
Chartered Territory
Chartered Territory
Ben Zabulis

Ben Zabulis' Chartered Territory is a rich and diverse account of 16 years spent living and working abroad as an engineer, from the chaos of everyday life in Lagos to unique Hong Kong, via the conformity of salaryman life in Japan, and the wonders of the subcontinent. Personal accounts of climbing Mount Fuji and taking part in dragon boat races go hand in hand with events on a global scale, as the author experiences a Nigerian coup d'etat, the handover of Hong Kong from Great Britain to China, the terrifying SARS outbreak, and the opening of Bhutan to more commercial …

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The Verdict
The Verdict
Elias Adam
Born and raised in Algeria, with an active political life in the '70s leading to his eventual emigration as a political refugee, Elias Adam is the father of a family deeply affected by the new reality for economic and political migrants in Western Europe, victims of the new face of politics, and some would say of fear. This is his Book of Natural Rebellion
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Sangin A Glance Through Afghan Eyes
Sangin A Glance Through Afghan Eyes
Toby Woodbridge

As a British Army officer in the Corps of Royal Engineers, Toby Woodbridge twice deployed to Afghanistan’s Helmand Province, and spent a total of eight months in the notorious District of Sangin. Employed as mentor to the Afghan National Police during his last tour in the town, Woodbridge spent over six months living, working, and fighting alongside members of that much maligned but critically important organisation, gaining a privileged view of their work and insight into their world. His experiences from those two tours provide the background for this unique perspective on the difficulties and dangers involved when working, living, …

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Ben Diary of A Heroin Addict
Ben Diary of A Heroin Addict
Anne Rogers

As a young man from a loving, middle class family living in a small English village, Ben Rogers appeared to have it all ... but then he found drugs. As his life descends into chaos and despair, Ben begins to chronicle his daily struggles with the aid of a video camera. He was hopeful that one day his experiences could be used to educate others. Ben lost his battle against addiction and died when he was 34 as a result of medical withdrawal. His family decided to release the tapes in the hope that other families could benefit. The result …

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Rape of The Mind
Rape of The Mind
Rodney Maile

Living in Milford Haven, U.K. since 1972, in 2004 I became involved in a court case requesting a judicial review on the dangers of LNG Ships entering the Cleddau Estuary. All court cases refused the Judicial Review. But during this time period, our very own MPs said it was a good idea. Why, when the dangers were obvious? Why were they so convinced? It was also evident that the authorities would have you believe that it is safe to allow [Tetra] Terrestrial enhanced trunk radio antennae, which generate a carrier wave with frequencies which match. Terrestrial enhanced trunk radio antennae …

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Home Ground
Home Ground
Andrew Stachulski

The essence of Home Ground is a collection of 20 nature walks, ranging from about five to 15 miles in length, and situated in Northwest England. The criterion for selection is that each walk must be situated in whole or in part on Ordnance Survey 1:50,000 ‘Landranger’ map no. 103 (Blackburn and Burnley). This was the map used by the author when he first began to explore the area almost 50 years ago, and these long personal associations, heightened by a long absence from the area, make this truly his Home Ground. Within this relatively small areais a rich variety …

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The Package Tour Industry 2nd Edition
The Package Tour Industry 2nd Edition
Vincent Cobb

Millions of us take package holidays for granted every year but did you ever wonder how it all began? Thanks to Vincent Cobb's 35 years of experience working in the travel industry culminating in his position as managing director of Thomson Holidays, we can learn all about the tricks that formed the basis of the business at its outset. This fascinating book allows us to observe the industry's steep learning curve from its infancy in the late '50s to the present day, using you as guinea pigs. You will find this a gripping yet refreshingly humorous account. The author tells …

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Hyam The Cat Who Talked Too Much
Hyam The Cat Who Talked Too Much
Pamela Douglas

This is a tale of a cat called Hyam, a very special cat. In fact he is a theatrical cat, a fastidious cat, a funny cat, but most of all an adored cat. He is most famous for talking himself out of a part at an audition for a West End production, for he is an actor. Here he tells his own story in a series of delightfully readable poems that are a pleasure for all age groups. Follow his adventures as he takes us on his travels through the ups and downs of theatre life and his many escapades …

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An Introduction To Healing
An Introduction To Healing
Pat Smith
This book aims to answer the question: How do I become a healer? It is a comprehensive explanation of spiritual healing, the aim being to inform, encourage, and enlighten the reader. In easily understandable terms, the book describes the background of healing, how to tap into the universal energy, and how to protect oneself. Spiritual healing is traditional in its origins and there continues to be an urgent need for it today. The complex and seemingly strange energies that spiritual healing involves are explained, and terms such as energy , spirit and protection are demystified.
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Golf Formats For Societies & Game Secretaries
Golf Formats For Societies & Game Secretaries
Allin Golf Society
If you play golf then this book is for you, offering a variety of new ways to play your favourite game through clear instructions, it guarantees a fun day on the course with friends. The guide includes individual game formats as well as individual game formats; 2-ball team game formats; 3-ball team game formats; 4-ball team tournament formats; 4-ball tournament fun formats; tournament formats for mixed 3- and 4-ball teams; and definitions.
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Taming Your Public Speaking Monkeys
Taming Your Public Speaking Monkeys
Dee Clayton

If you’re petrified of public speaking, the last thing you want is a lecture. And there lies the brilliance of this unique book’s genuinely innovative approach to the issue. Dee Clayton makes the process of overcoming those negative voices in your head to become an effective public speaker lighthearted and fun. A godsend for anyone who’s ever suffered that dread, her refreshingly simple yet amazingly effective multi-award-winning approach has already helped thousands overcome their fears and become effective and confident public speakers. Significantly, the author is keenly aware that for most of us, effective public speaking isn’t necessarily an end …

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The Interpreter
The Interpreter
Marcelle Kellermann
This stunning book is set during the occupation of France in 1940 to 1944, during which time the author fought as a member of the resistance. The story follows her interrogation, imprisonment, and subsequent unexpected release by the German Nazi Officer Frank Van Heugen, the official interpreter in the German Kommandatur of Vichy France.
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