En este manual técnico se explican los requisitos exigibles de los materiales que constituyen el sistema de pavimentación en su conjunto, las herramientas de cálculo de las secciones, los requisitos de aceptación en la recepción en obra, así como los controles de calidad sobre las unidades de obra acabadas. Se ofrece una clasificación de las lesiones más comunes que afectan a los pavimentos pétreos y las reparaciones adecuadas que hay que realizar para subsanarlas. Además, se brinda la oportunidad de prevenir los daños sobre pavimentos pétreos mediante el análisis previo de las acciones actuantes.
The use of stone for pavement construction has been a common practice of man throughout time with satisfactory results. This is due to the countless advantages this material offers in terms of design and construction, as well as the requirements that must be met to optimize its use. This guide also explains the requirements demanded from the materials that make up the RAF pavement system as a whole, the requirements for receipt acceptance at worksite, the section calculation tools, as well as the quality controls on the finished work units. Likewise, it provides a compendium of recommendations regarding pavement conservation …
The use of stone for pavement construction has been a common practice of man throughout time with satisfactory results. This is due to the countless advantages this material offers in terms of design and construction, as well as the requirements that must be met to optimize its use. This e-book explains the requirements demanded from the materials that make up the pavement system as a whole, the section calculation tools, the requirements for receipt acceptance at worksite, as well as the quality controls on the finished work units. Likewise, it offers the reader a classification of the most common damages …
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