
Mientras cae la ruina y otros poemas
Mientras cae la ruina y otros poemas
C. S. Lewis

La presente obra constituye la primera antología poética en lengua castellana de la que, sin duda, fue la faceta literaria menos conocida del escritor británico C.S. Lewis.
Se puede afirmar que Lewis se sintió poeta desde sus primeros impulsos literarios hasta el final de su vida. De hecho, sus primeros textos publicados bajo el seudónimo de Clive Hamilton fueron un pequeño tomo de versos titulado Spirits in Bondage (1919) y el largo poema narrativo Dymer (1926). De la misma manera, sus escritos autobiográficos o de carácter privado muestran que su vocación literaria fue, primera y esencialmente, una vocación poética y que ésta se mantuvo firme …

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I want to get pregnant now! Ebook.
I want to get pregnant now! Ebook.
Dra. Marisa López-Teijón Pérez

With one of the most renowned medical specialists in Assisted Reproduction, Dr Marisa López-Teijón, and three women who, like you, also want to get pregnant, you will discover the responses to all those questions you began to ask yourself the day you decided you wanted to have a baby. Elisabeth, Marta and Rose face numerous mysteries, doubts, taboos, prejudices and false myths. They feel disoriented, angry, sad and, often, alone. If, like them, you won’t let anything stop you, this book will explain how to conceive spontaneously or with medical help. Practical, surprising, and filled with emotion, this book is …

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6.720 CLP eBook EPUB
Stop fighting! Should you intervene in a sibling fight?
Stop fighting! Should you intervene in a sibling fight?
Isabelle Gravillon, Nicole Prieur

That's life. it is often difficult for parents to see their children fighting as if this highlights their serious failure as educators. And yet it is the most normal thing in the world. In fraternal relationships, moments of complicity and love alternate with periods of rivalry and hatred. We must accept the quarrels, which are indispensable for children to grow and assert themselves. This book helps parents to adopt a certain distance and answers questions such as: * What triggers the fights? * Should we let them happen? * What do they bring to the children? * Why are they …

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11.455 CLP eBook EPUB
Guided by Knowledge, Inspired by Love
Guided by Knowledge, Inspired by Love
Henry Disney
Entomologist, poet and devout Christian Henry Disney illustrates the harmonious relationship between science, art and religion in his sixth published collection of poetry. The sensitive, observant nature of a scientific and a Christian outlook exemplifies a realistic view of man, nature and God. Disney offers an individual perspective that presents a unified view of the complexities of life.
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Jürgen Klarić

The latest book by Jürgen Klaric focuses on how to successfully sell products and services. The method and techniques presented in this book come from various lab studies. They are also endorsed by anthropological and neuroscientific research.In this book, the author proves that the sales processes we commonly use are extremely exhausting and not very effective, mainly because we don't know how the mind works, even if we listen to people. A bestseller shortly after its launching, MINDCODE has become a commercial and sales model of companies such as General Motors, Movistar, Claro, SAB-Miller and Ikea.

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7.735 CLP eBook EPUB
For Freedom I Bleed, Fight, Survive
For Freedom I Bleed, Fight, Survive
Miguel Hernández

Miguel Hernández (Orihuela, 1910) fought in the Spanish Civil War and was known as the poet of the people and the revolution. From a very young age his experience tending sheep and goats gave him a keen appreciation of the natural world and compassion for the farm laborer. He read voraciously and as a teenager published his poems in local magazines earning for himself the moniker of «the goatherd poet.» He made numerous trips to Madrid where he developed close friendships with other poets, among them Vicente Aleixandre and the Chilean, Pablo Neruda. After the defeat of the Republic, he …

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4.311 CLP eBook PDF
El Sistema 3. The 3 System
El Sistema 3. The 3 System
Mario Teresano

“Mi nombre es Mario Teresano. Desde mi adolescencia he sido un gran apasionado del culturismo y el fitness, deporte que desde entonces se ha convertido en mi estilo de vida. Consultado en innumerables oportunidades sobre cómo entrenar y llevar adelante una correcta nutrición sin grandes complicaciones y privaciones, he desarrollado el Sistema 3.

El libro tiene como objetivo enseñarte a llevar un estilo de vida equilibrado, para que mantenerse en forma y con salud no tenga que ser algo tedioso ni suponer privaciones de todo tipo. Un sistema fácil de seguir por cualquier persona indistintamente de su edad, profesión u obligaciones …

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28.503 CLP eBook EPUB
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

How is it that the foot and the toes are credited with such strong sexual connotations? Do they represent something out of the ordinary to the human subconscious? How otherwise could these unremarkable parts of the body seem erotic? And what has their appeal to do with the Eternal Mystery that is Woman? Often left uncovered, in former times when total nudity was forbidden or considered unseemly, the foot and its shape allowed the imaginations of observers to roam wild. The only part of the body of a woman occasionally visible (unlike those visible normally or those never visible normally), …

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4.990 CLP eBook EPUB
La gula
La gula
Asako Yuzuki

Una versión japonesa de El silencio de los corderos con ecos a Emmanuel Carrère.Rika Machida es la única mujer en la redacción de la revista semanal en la que trabaja. Quizá por eso sea la única que consigue contactar con Manako Kajii, una mujer condenada a cadena perpetua por seducir y asesinar a varios hombres con la intención de usar su dinero para costearse talleres de cocina y comidas lujosas. Así comienza una serie de encuentros entre las dos mujeres que pronto transforman el interés inicial de Rika, meramente profesional, en una extraña fascinación hacia la supuesta asesina.Kajii no encaja …

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9.401 CLP eBook EPUB
The Prisoner
The Prisoner
Juan Gallardo, Rafael Avendaño

Paris, November 13, 2015. You love your wife so much that you decide to prove it to her by spending a romantic weekend in Paris together. After a magical day of museums, Bohemian neighborhoods and accordion music, you have dinner in an equally magical restaurant in where food is served in the dark. You decide that the perfect day will culminate in a rock concert by her favorite band in a famous Parisian venue, the Bataclan.     Days later, Paul Hébert, a French journalist covering a story in Iraq for an American newspaper, tells in first person the circumstances of …

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4.165 CLP eBook EPUB
Lamentations from Sikaman
Lamentations from Sikaman
James Amoateng
This wonderful anthology of poems, Lamentations from Sikaman, covers everything from day-to-day activities to the environment to relationships. The author asks, "Isn’t it strange that a path is smooth, but is still full of pits? But no, that is reality. It tells me about the complexities of life. Put simply, all that glitters is not gold." More precisely, one of the poems tells the tale of a man who leaves his wife for a younger woman. But the young lady screws up his life so badly and he wants to return to his wife. Lamentations, indeed.
8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Brain book. Mental gymnastics to train your brain
Brain book. Mental gymnastics to train your brain
Charles Phillips
Exercise your brain to make it more effective! Start training with language and number games, logic puzzles, visualization tests and memory boosters. Work that brain! * Understand how your brain works. * Challenge yourself with new exercises. * Build your brain muscle.
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