Tendencias en búsquedas


Grief and Renewal
Grief and Renewal
Barbara Emrys, Miguel Ruiz

Don Miguel Ruiz, one of the world’s most influential spiritual leaders, and author of the classic, The Four Agreements, gently guides readers through the process and pain of navigating grief, to find a higher purpose and existence, and to be at peace with their loss. Grief is one of the many mysteries of life, and the path to easing the pain is never the same for everyone. In this course, you will learn to recognize the various stages of grief and will also be provided with healthy coping mechanisms to understand and lessen your suffering on your journey towards the …

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10.232 CLP eBook EPUB
how to be a grown up
how to be a grown up
Daisy Buchana

Who feels like a grown up when they're twenty-one? Or, well, ever? With a significant birthday fast approaching, journalist and agony aunt Daisy Buchanan found herself worrying about whether or not she was a 'proper' adult yet. Her twenties had been a familiar tale of bad boyfriends, worse jobs, money worries, and mistakes. But was she getting it so wrong? Or was she learning vital life lessons along the way? In her unstintingly honest and hilarious account of a defining decade, Daisy shares her personal highs and lows in order to show us that there is no perfect path to …

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10.299 CLP eBook EPUB
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