
The Story of Men’s Underwear
The Story of Men’s Underwear
Shaun Cole

Men’s fashion, particularly the trends involving undergarments, was once reserved for the elite; today it has become democratised, clear proof of social progress. The aestheticism of the body so highly valued by the Greeks seems to have regained a prominent place in the masculine world. Mirroring the evolution of society’s values, the history of underwear also highlights the continuous, dancing exchange that exists between women’s styles and men’s fashion. Undergarments are concealed, flaunted, stretched or shortened, establishing a game between yesterday’s illicit and today’s chic and thereby denouncing the sense of disgrace that these simple pieces of clothing used to …

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14.799 CLP eBook EPUB
The desperate housewives cookbook
The desperate housewives cookbook
Juicy Dishes, Saucy Bits
Have you ever wanted to bake like Bree? Be a gourmand like Gaby? Prepare simple yet savory fare like Susan? Or make child-friendly cuisine like Lynette? Now, their recipes are at your fingertips! Mouthwatering and easy to prepare, here are over 125 delicious dishes made famous by America’s favorite housewives.
13.328 CLP eBook EPUB
Persian Miniatures 120 illustrations
Persian Miniatures 120 illustrations
Anatoli Ivanov, Vladimir Loukonine
Encounter one of history’s greatest civilisations through miniatures. In Persian Miniatures, the story of the magnificent Persian Empire is told by way of a small but vibrant artistic tradition. The colourful images, which are, in fact, elaborate book illustrations, introduce a curious world of adventures, heroes and sovereigns. The Mega Square layout highlights three details from each image and helps to discover amazing peculiarities.
12.357 CLP eBook EPUB
Hitchhiking in the Axis of Evil
Hitchhiking in the Axis of Evil
Juan Pablo Villarino

On May 1st 2005, Juan Villarino, an Argentinean hitchhiker,hitches a ride in a sailboat from Belfast harbourto Scotland, on the first leg of a journey tothe Middle East. Borrowing the strategy of thesnail he carries all he needs in a backpack, andsticks out his thumb along both dusty roads andmotorways. He possesses no credit card nor bulletproof jacket. His goal is to cross the heart of theIslamic world: Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, solely by hitchhiking,in an attempt to prove that hospitality abounds in a region portrayedas terrorist by the establishment media.As he moves across the vast globe, Juan …

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7.348 CLP eBook EPUB
El Sistema 3. The 3 System
El Sistema 3. The 3 System
Mario Teresano

“Mi nombre es Mario Teresano. Desde mi adolescencia he sido un gran apasionado del culturismo y el fitness, deporte que desde entonces se ha convertido en mi estilo de vida. Consultado en innumerables oportunidades sobre cómo entrenar y llevar adelante una correcta nutrición sin grandes complicaciones y privaciones, he desarrollado el Sistema 3.

El libro tiene como objetivo enseñarte a llevar un estilo de vida equilibrado, para que mantenerse en forma y con salud no tenga que ser algo tedioso ni suponer privaciones de todo tipo. Un sistema fácil de seguir por cualquier persona indistintamente de su edad, profesión u obligaciones …

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28.503 CLP eBook EPUB
The 10 secrets for cooking paella
The 10 secrets for cooking paella
Jose María Cal Carvajal

 This excellent book will help us to know all the secrets to manage to cook a good Paella. Profuse illustration to facilitate to comprehension of the text, 117 photos to full colour. From as to

fry the meat and the vegetable, the cooking time, the aroma, the election of the rice, the secret of the rest; we will be discovering

these details that really will differentiate us of cooking a simple rice, to cook one of the most exquisite plates of the world. We will speak about the Valencian Paella and also about Seafood Paellas, Meatfood Paellas, Vegetables Paellas, Backed …

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6.000 CLP 6.000 CLP eBook EPUB
My Boqueria
My Boqueria
Oscar Manresa
A walk around the most iconic stalls of la Boqueria market.«My Boqueria» is an account of the day-to-day life of the most immortalised market in Barcelona and the most famous in the world. Oscar Manresa tells the story of a place that is embedded in the collective subconscious of international gastronomy. It is not a book about cooking, nor is it a cookbook, but it could be both.
5.355 CLP eBook EPUB
Descorchados 2019 English
Descorchados 2019 English
Patricio Tapia

Published for the first time in 1999, Descorchados is the most important guide to the wines of South America. This year, no fewer than 4,341 samples from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay crossed the Descorchados tasting table, and 3,177 of them are included in this book. It’s an enormous job—but one we are very passionate about. Beyond the stats, however, we at Descorchados aim to offer a broad overview of what’s happening in the world of wine on this side of the planet. The latest trends, the newest valleys, the varieties that have been recovered or adopted, the names to …

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8.698 CLP eBook EPUB Fixed Format
Diccionario profesional del vino
Diccionario profesional del vino
Ernesto de Serdio Fernández

Esta publicación (en su 2ª edición) se plantea como una obra de referencia y consulta de fácil manejo pero también como una guía de aprendizaje para los profesionales del sector. El objetivo es hacer frente a la complejidad en el lenguaje del vino mediante una selección y definición conceptual precisa de las 1.300 palabras y frases más utilizadas por los profesionales del sector, desde viticultores, bodegueros, hasta distribuidores, importadores y detallista, sin olvidar al consumidor final. El diccionario está escrito desde una perspectiva netamente hispana en el sentido de que hace hincapié y trata con mayor profusión los términos propios de …

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22.000 CLP eBook PDF
Aleix Saló

Someone Devoured the Middle Class

When the middle class stars in a horror film, Europe trembles.

When Europe directs a horror film, the middle class trembles.

Do we know how to recognize our oldest fears? Where are the monsters that want to suck our blood?

And worst of all... what the hell does it mean to be Europeans?

Aleix Saló broadens his horizons and leads us on a safari across the European Union, a wild and untamed territory where not even God knows which way the wind will blow.

2.500 CLP eBook EPUB Fixed Format
Illuminated Manuscripts 120 illustrations
Illuminated Manuscripts 120 illustrations
Andrej Sterligow, Tamara Woronowa
Those who have had the chance to hold a medieval manuscript in their hands cannot fail to have been impressed by the feeling of being in touch with a long-passed epoch. Back when a book was a true handicraft and every copy the result of a laborious process, the object was more a work of art than a volatile commercial product. The Mega Square Illuminated Manuscripts puts the reader in touch with amazing medieval illustrations and unique adornments, which document the imaginative power of their creators.
12.357 CLP eBook EPUB
Barça's Treasures
Barça's Treasures
Francesc Aguilar

The history of Barça through its most emblematic objects as never before seen.Barça's Treasures explains and illustrates the basic facts of the history of FC Barcelona, through facsimile reproductions of exceptional objects from the club's history. It breaks with the traditional book format to allow the reader to hold these great treasures -which are an intimate part of the club's history- in a unique way. These important objects will make reading this work a unique experience.Reproductions of commemorative posters, tickets to memorable matches and finals, fold-out pages of the most emblematic shirts, stickers of the greatest players, the evolution of the …

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10.591 CLP eBook EPUB
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