
The Hatcher File
The Hatcher File
Ray Knight

Tom, former SAS and soldier of fortune, is enjoying a quiet retirement in an island paradise. An unexpected incident thrusts him back into the world of intrigue and danger from which he escaped. Set against an idyllic backdrop, Tom struggles against influential enemies who reach into the top corridors of power. Targeted by a Russian arms dealer and a Colombian drug cartel, he finds himself in a fight for his life. Harried by elements within MI6, and abetted by the DEA, he races against time to save himself and the one person he loves. Inspired by real-life events, this fast-paced …

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The Last Wednesday
The Last Wednesday
Bernard Bannerman

No one falls as viciously, as painfully, or as messily as lawyers. Jack Nicholas, left-wing barrister, was supposed to have died in an accident. Drunk, said the coroner. Murdered, said his mother. Enter Dave Woolf, ex-solicitor, boozer, and down-at-heel private eye. Even before Woolf starts asking questions, he finds that he is investigating not one death, but the wholesale despatch of Jack Nicholas’ erstwhile colleagues. There is very little for Woolf to go on as he treks through the glitz and sleaze of London, through France and Norway in search of an elusive German, other than the apparent coincidence that …

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Clogger of the Yard
Clogger of the Yard
J M. Knowles
The reviews are in: "The exploits of a hapless policeman." "A good belly laugh." "Impossible to make up." "Essential reading for all aspiring chief police officers."
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A Fateful Letter
A Fateful Letter
Harry Eicke

Can a teenage thug that is beyond all hope and hated by his neighbours fall in love? Does he have feelings like all other so-called humans? Most of us think it’s impossible, or maybe we can’t imagine it. The church thinks there is good in everyone and maybe by this story they could be right. The first love of our young lad’s life is a girl that has spent most of her 18 years in and out of hospital with a weak heart. It’s a love full of sympathy on his part. Within a month or so of their meeting, …

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Marry Me!!
Marry Me!!
Nick Roteman
An Internet chatroom is one place to meet new friends, but remember that no one tells the truth; especially when Jack met Rose. Jack was bored, often drunk, married, and living in leafy Surrey. Rose is young, beautiful, delicate, dangerously psychotic, and lives in Tokyo. When Rose turns up out of the blue, Jack's close circle of friends is thrown into chaos. Murder and mayhem ensue in this first-rate psychological thriller.
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Controlling Interest
Controlling Interest
Bernard Bannerman
The body of a woman solicitor was discovered by staff arriving yesterday morning at the Holborn offices of Mather's, prestigious London solicitors. Katrina Pankhurst, 32, had been shot. Police investigating a murder on the premises is bad news for a law firm, as it discourages clients. But as Dave Woolf, one-time lawyer, part-time boozer and (almost) full-time private eye realises, a thorough professional would prefer a murder to a leak any day of the week. Dead men can’t leak information on gambling debts, treachery, the darker side of freemasonry, and a dodgy business dating back 40 years.
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Angela Lyon

In 1940, Helen Chapman and Annie Taylor set out to seek independence and do their bit for the war effort. Helen wants to be a nurse but Annie, a talented flautist, is escaping from home, bitter because although she has won a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Music, her father has refused permission. As Red Cross volunteer aid detachment nursing auxiliaries, they are assigned to an RAF hospital in Southern England. Work is hard, discipline firm, and fraternising with patients forbidden. Here they find love and tragedy. Their rivalry for Will Longford, an Australian pilot injured when he bails …

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The Programme
The Programme
Andrew Arden

When Matthew Crane seeks help from the respected family-run law firm of Arnotts in a dispute over property, it never looks like a straightforward case. For Matthew is the charismatic founder and teacher of the quasi-religious cult known as The Programme, and, inevitably, a controversial figure. In spite of her brother’s opposition and her father’s disquiet, Carey Arnott takes the case and finds herself both attracted to Matthew and drawn into The Programme. But The Programme’s darker forces are at work. An inner circle, led by Cassandra, Matthew’s sensual wife, is more interested in personal power, money and sexual gratification …

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My Dears
My Dears
Ruth Snary
Mother and I corresponded weekly for over 50 years. Thirty years ago, I began to keep her letters. Recently I decided to collate some in a book so others could share my delight in reading them. They paint a vivid picture of her life, her interests, and enthusiasms, and are lively, funny, and informative, still making me smile when I read them. Letter writing is somewhat of a dying art because of modern methods of communication, so this is a small attempt to preserve one aspect of our social history.
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Iona Gordon: A Highland Spirit in Peace and War
Iona Gordon: A Highland Spirit in Peace and War
James Roy Pickard

Based in Ballater on Royal Deeside between June 1914 and December 1915, the novel recounts the great love between an exceptional young woman and Gavin Fraser, a Gordon Highlander. They share an idyllic holiday in Upper Deeside and the Cairngorms. Her detailed comments about the area and life shed light on herself and inspire lyrical exchanges with him about their relationship. There is a regular alternation between an account of his service on the Western Front and news from her in Ballater. For example, she and her father visit some of his comrades in the burgh’s Red Cross Hospital and …

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Adventures of a Soldier in the Great War 1914 - 1918 and some of his Poems
Adventures of a Soldier in the Great War 1914 - 1918 and some of his Poems
David Yuille

On the 1st of March, I joined the 1st Battalion Civil Service Rifles at Watford, after a week’s 'recruiting’ with the 2nd battalion, having been in training with the 2nd battalion since 31 August 1914 at Somerset House, the White City, and Dorking. During the first and second weeks of March, the battalion was engaged in strenuous work equipping itself for service overseas. New rifles, equipments, boots, clothes, limbers, horses, mules, waggons, identity discs, 1st field dressings, etc. had to be collected and distributed.Being a recruit, I had about a dozen fatigues in the first few days, but soon learnt …

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Dead Man's Contract
Dead Man's Contract
Jack Alun
This crime thriller is set in Southwest France. Following a tragic incident during filming in South America, Jarret’s life goes into freefall. As he attempts to rebuild it in the peace of the French countryside, he meets the mysterious Alicia, a woman undergoing a crisis of her own. But as suddenly as their intimate relationship begins, she disappears without a word. Alarmed, he goes in search of her, but encounters instead a nightmare of violence and death to which only he holds the final solution.
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