
University of Oxford 1096
University of Oxford 1096
Boudewijn Sirks

En este GLOSARIO destacados juristas de las Universidades más antiguas de Europa –como Bolonia, Oxford, Salamanca, Padua, París, Pisa y Heidelberg– analizan la actualidad del Derecho privado europeo a partir de una cuidada selección de términos jurídicos y principios generales claves, expresados en latín y producidos por el Derecho romano. No se trata de resucitar sin más la vieja experiencia jurídica; se trata de explicar y dar a valer un vocabulario jurídico universalmente reconocido, además de precisar el significado de las palabras como instrumentos de trabajo del ars boni et aequi. Son palabras básicas, determinantes del lenguaje jurídico que hoy …

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829 CLP eBook PDF
Empiricism and analytical tools for 21 Century applied linguistics
Empiricism and analytical tools for 21 Century applied linguistics
The present volume follows an open-access publication policy, offering access to the multimedia files of the plenary lectures whose authors agreed to their publication and the Language Learning special roundtable, as well as a selection of the written versions of the papers presented at the 29th International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA), 86 of which were accepted for publication after a double-blind selection process and are collected in this volume.
7.440 CLP eBook PDF
Miriam Pérez Veneros

Esta tesis doctoral versa sobre el estudio de la construcción de la atribución del significado en la diseminación de la ciencia en la prensa británica a través del análisis de los recursos utilizados por el periodista para integrar en su narración de los hechos científicos lo que otras fuentes externas han dicho. El fenómeno de la atribución en el discurso académico, científico y de los medios de comunicación se ha descrito previamente desde una perspectiva interpersonal mediante el análisis de la evaluación y de la teoría de la valoración (‘appraisal’). Además, otras investigaciones previas se han centrado también en el …

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2.470 CLP eBook PDF
Brazilian Subjectivity Today
Brazilian Subjectivity Today

The emerging field of psychosocial studies signifies a confluence of

disciplines for whom the fantasies, repressions and cultural practices

underlying national identity represents a crucial research focus. This book

presents a psychosocial portrayal of Brazil's arrival on the international

stage in the economic boom of the run-up to its hosting of the 2014 World Cup

and the 2016 Olympic Games. This former Portuguese colony is a country of

contradictions in need of a new image; a nation that needs to be able to both

love and sell itself in today's neo-liberal reality. It argues that a

contemporary representation of Brazilian subjectivity is best enabled through

an interdisciplinary perspective. Five …

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2.475 CLP eBook EPUB
What for
What for
Mauricio Macri

LESSONS ON LEADERSHIP AND POWER TO WIN THE SECOND HALF OF THE GAME.One never knows when you are going to find your true vocation, but if there is one thing I have learned, it is to not accept things as they are presented to us and to always be open. This is like love; it is a vibration you only feel in your heart. We should never resign ourselves to living without love or not finding our vocation. They are out there, waiting for us. It is about finding them. They are our what for.This book is about the mysterious …

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11.781 CLP eBook EPUB
Conversations with John Searle
Conversations with John Searle
Gustavo Faigenbaum

This book treats many complex topics such as the relationship between brain and consciousness, the 'Chinese Room' argument, and Searle's aesthetic and political ideas.
This is NOT the typical interview book, filled with self-indulgence and old-time stories. Mr. Faigenbaum uses his deep knowledge of Searle's developments to discuss the central aspects of his work, shedding light on the key role Searle played in 20th century philosophy. Thorough but also entertaining, a book that should be read by anyone who wants to understand the underlying tension in current philosophical ideas. The book also includes many revealing stories and facts about Searle's years …

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12.796 CLP eBook EPUB
La contribuciÛn del poder judicial a la protecciÛn de los derechos humanos de la tercera generaciÛn; especial referencia al derecho al desarrollo
La contribuciÛn del poder judicial a la protecciÛn de los derechos humanos de la tercera generaciÛn; especial referencia al derecho al desarrollo

Esta tesis doctoral versa sobre los Derechos Humanos de Tercera Generación, en especial referencia al Derecho al Desarrollo. Tratase de un abordaje propositiva con respecto a la contribución del Poder Judicial para el desarrollo socio-económico, a partir de una perspectiva interdisciplinario entre el neoinstitucionalismo económico y algunas divisiones del Derecho, especialmente el Internacional Público, Constitucional y Procesal Civil, con algunas incursiones en la Filosofía del Derecho.

Algunas ideas claves son presentadas con resalto de la importancia y valorización de los Derechos Humanos, como la de considerar que la existencia digna del hombre en la faz de la tierra está inexorablemente condicionada …

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2.480 CLP eBook PDF
La Unión Europea para Dummies
La Unión Europea para Dummies
Olaf Leisse
Conflictos bélicos, relaciones internacionales, globalización, terrorismo o migración son algunas de las cuestiones que se abordan en el seno de la UE y en las que chocan intereses nacionales, se negocian contradicciones aparentemente irreconciliables y se intenta llegar a una solución en la que todas las partes puedan estar en última instancia de acuerdo.  Este libro pretende arrojar algo de luz sobre esta institución y despertar el interés por ella, independientemente de si eres un entusiasta europeo o un euroescéptico.
5.355 CLP eBook EPUB
Human Rights Movement and Discourse
Human Rights Movement and Discourse
Mercedes Barros

This book accounts for the process of emergence and constitution of the human rights movement and discourse during the last military dictatorship in Argentina (1976-1983). Central to this account is the contention that the movement's emergence and constitution should not be understood as a necessary or as a natural response to the atrocities carried out by the last military regime, but instead as the result of a contingent process of political articulation and as a response which could have failed in its constitution and success.Thus, the appearance of the human rights movement and discourse in the country can only be …

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3.891 CLP eBook EPUB
Search and research
Search and research

Descripción / Resumen (Inglés): The present volume represents a compilation of international teacher education practice and research with a focus on Teacher Education for Contemporary Contexts. It draws upon the diverse educational perspectives, teaching procedures, knowledge, and situated contexts where the discipline takes shape. 

The sections of this book comprise research papers accepted for presentation during the 18th International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) Biennial Conference that will take place from July 3rd to July 7th in Salamanca, Spain. Around 300 delegates from 57 countries across the globe and a large Scientific Committee of 80 colleagues have contributed academically and …

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0 CLP eBook PDF
Mexico in the Path of Development
Mexico in the Path of Development
Enrique de la Madrid Cordero

Enrique de la Madrid examines Mexico's comparative advantages, its growth potential and the challenges of the internal reforms promoted by President Enrique Peña Nieto.

Enrique de la Madrid Cordero analyses Mexico's economic growth over the last three decades and the historic opportunity for eliminating its barriers to growth and aspiring to becoming a developed country.

Foreword by Luis Videgaray Caso.

"Mexico is blessed with a wealth of strengths and comparative advantages, placing it among the countries with the highest growth potential in the twenty-first century. Furthermore, this country has achieved a series of fundamental goals over the years, clearly …

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8.500 CLP eBook EPUB

This textbook reviews grammar and vocabulary at an intermediate level, and expands on them to help you to find your way about the English used in the field of computing. The textbook is organized in two sections. The first one consists of a collection of reading texts with a variety of tasks, such as comprehension, vocabulary and translation exercises. Most of the texts have been especially written for language learners, but some authentic texts have also been included. The second part focuses on work on some crucial language topics. Reading tasks provide practice of reading strategies, but also of technical …

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6.361 CLP eBook PDF
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