
Elections & Deceptions
Elections & Deceptions
Alfredo Torres

The election of Fernando Belaunde as president of the republic in 1980 marked Peru's return to democracy after twelve years of military government. Since then, the country has had nine general elections and no military coups. Even so, there have been a number of episodes that have posed a serious risk to Peruvian democracy. In April 2021, Peruvians will face what is perhaps the most critical election of the last four decades. With the dual crises of public health and the economy unleashed by the Coronavirus pandemic, made even more acute by a third, political crisis forged within the country's …

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Frankenstein revisited
Frankenstein revisited
Miriam Borham Puyal

Este volumen busca reivindicar el legado de Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley y celebrar los doscientos años de la publicación de su obra maestra, "Frankenstein o el Moderno Prometeo" (1818). Para ello, expone la permeabilidad del mito del científico y su criatura a través de una serie en ensayos que exploran adaptaciones contemporáneas en diversos medios (literatura, cine, televisión, videojuegos, YouTube) que demuestran la relevancia de Frankenstein en nuestros días. Los capítulos permiten al lector conocer las reescrituras populares del teatro del siglo XIX y su impacto en la ficción cinematográfica más reciente; descubrir la influencia de Shelley sobre otras escritoras con …

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2.480 CLP eBook EPUB
Marta Susana Ancarani

Drawing on Joseph Capmbell´s The Hero with the Thousand Faces, Marta Ancarani analices Herzog´s quest in terms of the separationinitiation-return pattern proposed by the eminent scholar. The answers Herzog finds through his painful quest help him come to terms with himself so that he can try to change a society "that was no community and devalued the person. Owing to the multiplied power of numbers which made the self negligible. Which spent military billions against foreign enemies but would not pay for order at home. Which permitted savagery and barbarism in its own great cities. At the same time, the …

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Vow of Darkness
Vow of Darkness
Rodrigo Parra Sandoval

Originally published in Spanish as Voto de tinieblas, this is a translation by Kieran Tapsell. Among the stories and characters of Vow of Darkness it unfolds a reflection around the prohibitions and dangers that a nun living the confused and violent period of independence from Spain must face when she decides to be a writer in a world where writing is an exclusively male activity.
Alongside these adventures is woven a reflection about personal and collective memory. It outlines how the indigenous population extinguishes destroyed by war, smallpox and shame. And yet, there are characters trying to give sense to their …

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4.130 CLP eBook EPUB
La poesía es un atentado celeste / Poetry Is a Celestial Attack
La poesía es un atentado celeste / Poetry Is a Celestial Attack
Vicente Huidobro

La serie Horizon Carré por iniciativa conjunta de la Fundación Vicente Huidobro, la Universidad de Washington y RIL editores, se propone acercar al público anglolector, en forma bilingüe, selecciones de poesía de grandes autores de la lengua española en cuidadas traducciones, presentadas por escritores y académicos contemporáneos. En esta edición: Vicente Huidobro, uno de los más destacados poetas chilenos, junto con Gabriela Mistral, Pablo Neruda y Nicanor Parra. Iniciador y exponente del creacionismo, es considerado uno de los grandes renovadores de la poesía en lengua española. Se relacionó con escritores de las vanguardias parisinas de hace un siglo como Apollinaire, Breton, …

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4.618 CLP eBook PDF
The Armenian Testament
The Armenian Testament
G.H. Guarch

The 20th century saw two great world wars. It was a century of crisis, as it was also of change and progress. However, he will be remembered for two huge human tragedies, in which groups of people tried to annihilate specific ethnic groups. This is the case of the Armenian Genocide and the Jewish Holocaust.The Armenian Testament is a historical novel in which the circumstances, characters and places are collected, as well as the political motivations that gave rise to the so-called "Armenian Genocide" between 1915 and 1916. The protagonist is a fictional character, like many those that appear throughout …

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5.360 CLP eBook EPUB
Lamentations from Sikaman
Lamentations from Sikaman
James Amoateng
This wonderful anthology of poems, Lamentations from Sikaman, covers everything from day-to-day activities to the environment to relationships. The author asks, "Isn’t it strange that a path is smooth, but is still full of pits? But no, that is reality. It tells me about the complexities of life. Put simply, all that glitters is not gold." More precisely, one of the poems tells the tale of a man who leaves his wife for a younger woman. But the young lady screws up his life so badly and he wants to return to his wife. Lamentations, indeed.
8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Learn Spanish with Lucy Cat - The city
Learn Spanish with Lucy Cat - The city
Catherine Bruzzone, Clare Beaton, Rosa María Martín
In this cartoon with full color illustrations, the brave Kitten Lucía stops a thief who is stealing money from the market. * Simple text in dialogs. * Nice drawings. * An interesting story. * Easy to read and so much fun!
6.215 CLP eBook EPUB
A Life in Orbit
A Life in Orbit
Ken W. Simpson

In my first book of poetry and prose, The Learning Process, I explored many themes. For my second book, A Life in Orbit, I determined to try something novel and new: a biography in verse. It was a daunting project because I had to revisit my past and translate my thoughts and memories into a discipline of words, lines and verses. I was handicapped to an extent by the restraints imposed by the narrative style. I had to write truthfully, and without embellishment in four-line stanzas, within the time span and framework of eleven periods of my life. These periods …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Diario de un vacío
Diario de un vacío
Emi Yagi

¿Mentimos para sentirnos menos solos?Shibata es la única mujer de su oficina. No se puede quejar: es un trabajo estable y aquí nadie la molesta ni le hace proposiciones fuera de tono. Pero está harta de no salir nunca a su hora y de que sus compañeros den por sentado que debe encargarse de servir el café, limpiar, ordenar… Hasta que, una mañana anuncia que no seguirá ocupándose de nada de esto. Está embarazada. O eso dice.Diario de un vacío sigue el día a día de Shibata desde que anuncia su falso embarazo y recupera, por fin, tiempo para sí …

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The Volatile Diaries
The Volatile Diaries
Agustina Guerrero

With a comic outlook on life and a purely passionate and earnest trace, Agustina Guerrero takes us into the personal universe of a thirty-year-old woman in a striped t-shirt whose take on the world will bring out a smile in anyone.

The Volatile Diaries started out as an autobiographical blog in 2011 and in only a few months the Volatile, its main character, got thousands of followers and became an immediate success on the social networks.

Nowadays, she's got over 400,000 followers on Facebook and her stories are compiled in this book that also offers tons of unpublished material.

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Mientras cae la ruina y otros poemas
Mientras cae la ruina y otros poemas
C. S. Lewis

La presente obra constituye la primera antología poética en lengua castellana de la que, sin duda, fue la faceta literaria menos conocida del escritor británico C.S. Lewis.
Se puede afirmar que Lewis se sintió poeta desde sus primeros impulsos literarios hasta el final de su vida. De hecho, sus primeros textos publicados bajo el seudónimo de Clive Hamilton fueron un pequeño tomo de versos titulado Spirits in Bondage (1919) y el largo poema narrativo Dymer (1926). De la misma manera, sus escritos autobiográficos o de carácter privado muestran que su vocación literaria fue, primera y esencialmente, una vocación poética y que ésta se mantuvo firme …

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