
Ardenas 1944
Ardenas 1944
Antony Beevor

El sábado 16 de diciembre de 1944 Hitler inició su “última jugada” en los bosques nevados de las Ardenas. Su intención era realizar un ataque por sorpresa que, avanzando hacia Amberes, dividiese los ejércitos aliados e hiciese posible infligirles una severa derrota: un nuevo Dunquerque que cambiase el curso de una guerra que había llegado a una situación angustiosa, con los ejércitos soviéticos avanzando en suelo alemán. El ataque, en el que intervendrían dos ejércitos blindados, se complementaba con la actuación en la retaguardia de un comando de soldados alemanes, con uniformes y vehículos norteamericanos. Como hiciera en Stalingrado, Beevor …

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1.900 CLP eBook EPUB
Savages and civilized
Savages and civilized
Héctor Palma

On a sunny January morning in 1833, through one of the Southern Channels of Tierra del Fuego, a British vessel sails alongside a smaller boat. The natives of the area, through screams and smoke, quickly communicate with each other the novelty, and dozens of canoes with hundreds of natives emerge to observe the peculiar event. Curious and friendly for the most part, somewhat aggressive at times, they observe the smallest boat approaching the shore with three Fuegians (two men and one woman) returning to their homeland after almost a year in London. To the surprise of their compatriots, who receive …

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7.234 CLP eBook EPUB
Instituciones polÌticas, comportamientos sociales y atraso econÛmico en EspaÒa (1580-2000)
Instituciones polÌticas, comportamientos sociales y atraso econÛmico en EspaÒa (1580-2000)

Este libro quiere ser un homenaje a la memoria de Ángel García Sanz (Fuentelcésped [Burgos], 1946 - Segovia, 2014). La generosidad intelectual y el compromiso con su tierra seguramente sean los dos rasgos que mejor lo definen como académico. Licenciado en Filosofía y Letras por la Universidad de Salamanca (donde sería profesor interino en 1989-1991 de la naciente Facultad de Economía y Empresa) se doctoró en Historia por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en 1973 con la tesis Desarrollo y crisis del Antiguo Régimen en Castilla la Vieja. Economía y sociedad en tierras de Segovia de 1500 a 1814
(Madrid, Akal, …

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7.440 CLP eBook EPUB
A Brief History of Bogotá
A Brief History of Bogotá
Marco Forero
A book with the most accurate information about  Colombian capital history. It describes social and economic transformation that Bogota  has experienced since its foundation, by three different conquerors, in the 16th century until now  where became one of the largest and richest metropolises in Latin America.
7.021 CLP eBook EPUB
Mikhaïl Guerman

Tra gli artisti più noti del XX secolo, Kandinsky si distinse per il valore internazionale della sua parabola esistenziale e della sua arte, che congiunse Russia, Germania e Francia; per il suo impegno come insegnante al celebre Bauhaus e la produzione di versi e scritti teorici; per il suo saldo e determinato cammino verso l’individualità. Nella cultura odierna egli occupa un posto d’eccezione: il posto di un artista che rifuggì la vanità e il desiderio di scioccare lo spettatore; il posto di un maestro incline alla meditazione, fondatore del Blaue Reiter e autore di Lo spirituale nell’arte; il posto di …

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9.544 CLP eBook EPUB
Georgia O'Keeffe
Georgia O'Keeffe
Janet Souter

Born in 1887, Georgia O’Keeffe was one of the key figures who participated in the emancipation of modern art from its conventional forms and subjects. At a time when women were above all wives and mothers, Georgia O’Keeffe defied tradition when she became first the companion and finally the wife of the famous photographer and father of American modern art: Alfred Stieglitz. Georgia O’Keeffe is known above all for her complex descriptions of nature: the delicacy of an autumn leaf, the subtle nuances of a flower petal, or the symmetry of an animal’s head. Today we associate Georgia O’Keeffe with …

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9.544 CLP eBook EPUB
The Russian painters of water 1750-1950
The Russian painters of water 1750-1950
Sutherland Lyall
The Russian painters of water recaptures the impressions of water in the works held at the Russian State Museum of Russian Painters, from the 18th century onward. Among the paintings are works by Sylvester Shechedrin, Ivan Aivazovsky, Polenov. Arkhipov and Repin. Sutherland Lyall narrates vividly and elegantly the exciting and varied appearance of water in the world of Russian art. He invites the reader to discover something of the history and customs of this vast country, and provides an insight into Russian painting.
14.320 CLP eBook EPUB
Persian Miniatures 120 illustrations
Persian Miniatures 120 illustrations
Anatoli Ivanov, Vladimir Loukonine
Encounter one of history’s greatest civilisations through miniatures. In Persian Miniatures, the story of the magnificent Persian Empire is told by way of a small but vibrant artistic tradition. The colourful images, which are, in fact, elaborate book illustrations, introduce a curious world of adventures, heroes and sovereigns. The Mega Square layout highlights three details from each image and helps to discover amazing peculiarities.
12.357 CLP eBook EPUB
Poder y heterodoxia en el mundo greco-romano
Poder y heterodoxia en el mundo greco-romano

Poder y heterodoxia en el mundo greco-romano es un volumen colectivo que reúne trabajos de prestigiosos especialistas nacionales e internacionales que, desde diferentes ámbitos, han querido reconocer y mostrar su adhesión a una práctica de análisis histórico en la que pasado y presente dejan de convertirse en compartimentos estancos, gestionados por «profesionales» de la Historia, para convertir a esta en un oficio basado en el diálogo entre mundos distantes y distintos que aporten reflexión y claridad a nuestro presente.

Frente a planteamientos ideológicos dominantes que interpretan los hechos históricos con un carácter unidireccional e interesado, en la medida en que la …

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2.480 CLP eBook PDF
Brazilian Subjectivity Today
Brazilian Subjectivity Today

The emerging field of psychosocial studies signifies a confluence of

disciplines for whom the fantasies, repressions and cultural practices

underlying national identity represents a crucial research focus. This book

presents a psychosocial portrayal of Brazil's arrival on the international

stage in the economic boom of the run-up to its hosting of the 2014 World Cup

and the 2016 Olympic Games. This former Portuguese colony is a country of

contradictions in need of a new image; a nation that needs to be able to both

love and sell itself in today's neo-liberal reality. It argues that a

contemporary representation of Brazilian subjectivity is best enabled through

an interdisciplinary perspective. Five …

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2.475 CLP eBook EPUB
Russian Impressionists and Post-Impressionists
Russian Impressionists and Post-Impressionists
Mikhail Guerman
The 1860s were marked by a strong realistic movement in Russian painting. Artists became interested in depicting the lives and customs of their fellow countrymen. This new art form was mostly the work of the Itinerants group, who wanted to take art to the people and paint the outdoors. Mikhail Guerman traces the converging lines of Russian and French art in the immensely fertile period of the late 19th and early 20th century.
14.320 CLP eBook EPUB
Vasily Surikov
Vasily Surikov
Vladimir Kemenov

Born in Krasnoiarsk in 1848, Surikov died in Moscow in 1916. He is one of the great masters of history painting, and he occupies a special place in Russian culture. Like Delacroix, he believed that history was not a pretext for nice painting but an inexorable drama with neither culprits nor innocents but rather people driven by invisible forces. He was very knowledgeable about Russian history, and his paintings deal with crucial moments. He sought in historical events the answers to pressing problems of his time. Here is a book about a painter little-known in the West, analysed with understanding …

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Elementos 1 a 12 de un total de 78
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