
Aztec Women and Goddesses
Aztec Women and Goddesses
Fundación Cultural Armella Spitalier, Miriam López Hernández

Aztec Women and Goddesses explores the various stages of the Mexica woman’s life. Miriam López analyzes the mythology, the archaeological discoveries, and the codices and sixteenth-century chronicles with perfect ease as she describes the conduct expected of women and the possibilities for their lives according to Mexica norms and ideals. This insightful work rescues the contributions of Mexica women from oblivion—contributions which, though they may not have been deemed worthy of recognition and prestige in their own day, played …

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Brazilian Subjectivity Today
Brazilian Subjectivity Today

The emerging field of psychosocial studies signifies a confluence of

disciplines for whom the fantasies, repressions and cultural practices

underlying national identity represents a crucial research focus. This book

presents a psychosocial portrayal of Brazil's arrival on the international

stage in the economic boom of the run-up to its hosting of the 2014 World Cup

and the 2016 Olympic Games. This former Portuguese colony is a country of

contradictions in need of a new image; a nation that needs to be able to both

love and sell itself in today's neo-liberal reality. It argues that a

contemporary representation of Brazilian subjectivity is best enabled through

an interdisciplinary perspective. Five …

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