
Tao meditations
Tao meditations
Martin Palmer, Zhao Xiaomin

Taoist meditation is an essential aspect of spiritual practice in the Taoist tradition. Focused on harmony with nature and the Universe, it offers a path to inner peace and deep understanding of oneself and the world around us. Unlike other forms of meditation, it emphasizes flow and transformation, mimicking the natural movement of the Tao, the universal force. In Taoist literature, such as Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching", these principles are explored and guided, allowing for rewarding and enlightening practice. This book on Taoist meditation will be a valuable addition for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of these ancient …

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8.425 CLP eBook EPUB
Letter play
Letter play
Sally Beer
This book provides a fun range of activities which a parent or carer will be able to undertake with children of pre-school age. Each new activity or exercise has an introductory statement for adults in a panel like this one, and each covers a topic with which small children will feel familiar and comfortable.
7.487 CLP eBook EPUB
Robert Francis

Author Robert Francis has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia for longer than a quarter century. Over the many years, Robert has been intimately familiar with the commonly tempered expectations and diminished hopes for those living with schizophrenia to live a full and abundant life, similar to others. In his now third book on living with schizophrenia, Robert was driven to literary action, to flip the schizophrenia narrative from one of abundant deficits to one of abundant strengths. In A Strength’s Perspective; Life Lessons Learned from Living with Schizophrenia, Robert details personal strengths and life lessons learned from living with schizophrenia …

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10.232 CLP eBook EPUB
The Lewy Body Disease. A circumstance in my life
The Lewy Body Disease. A circumstance in my life
Selva Marasco

This book shows the world of feelings of the affected person. Selva captures it finely in its pages and tells it chronologically from the most incipient steps in the reception of a diagnosis to the full assumption of a reality.To be able to access this knowledge is a jewel not to be missed by anyone interested in Lewy Body Disease: professionals, people affected, carers. But this is not the greatest achievement of the writing; the book manages to pierce the layer of general ignorance on the subject, allowing to know, raise awareness and assume the existence of this disease, unknown …

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8.273 CLP eBook EPUB
Erotic Photography
Erotic Photography
Alexandre Dupouy
Erotic photo art has lost much of its exquisite soul since Playboy and other girlie monthlies repackaged the human body for mass-market consumption. Like much painting, sculpture and engraving, since its beginning photography has also been at the service of eroticism. This collection presents erotic photographs from the beginning of photography until the years just before World War II. It explores the evolution of the genre and its origins in France, and its journey from public distrust to the large audience it enjoys today.
14.799 CLP eBook EPUB
The Great Pyramide
The Great Pyramide
Francesc Navarro Prat
What the reader will find below is the result of my research on the design of the Great Pyramid of Cheops. It is a purely mathematical study, scientifically rigorous, yet extraordinarily simple.
It is not the formulation of any theory. Quite the contrary: it is the mathematical proof of a theory, which until today had not been possible to be proven, developed by a great researcher of the pyramid, John Taylor (1781-1864), regarding the unit of measurement used for its design.
The definitive resolution of a mathematical and architectural enigma that has endured for 4,500 years.
5.000 CLP eBook PDF
From Esalen to Pune, Osho and the Path of Humanistic Transpersonal Psychology Experiential
From Esalen to Pune, Osho and the Path of Humanistic Transpersonal Psychology Experiential
Vikrant A. Sentis

This book fills a great void existing, until now, in the description and understanding of the history of modern psychology. It sheds light on one of the most unknown and least assumed aspects of the historical development of humanistic-transpersonally oriented psychotherapy, by exposing, in a systematic and adequately documented way, the details of the development of therapeutic processes, the personal stories of the pioneers of the Human Potential Movement and the, in many ways, profound impact that Osho (also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) had on hundreds of psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists between the 1970s and 1990s. Numerous of the most …

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14.295 CLP eBook PDF
José Luis Manzanares Japón

Science has failed to explain the deep nature of reality. While it surprises us every day with amazing new discoveries that make life more pleasant, it ignores the real basis of our existence.Its reductionist wager on materialism has never been able to specify the nature of the spirit or explain its decisive role in the great transformations the world undergoes. Why does the ambition of an enlightened person provoke a war that kills millions of lives or the word of a prophet radically change the future of a society? It has not even taken on the task of establishing a …

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5.831 CLP eBook EPUB
The guide to starting school
The guide to starting school
Marie Auffret-Pericone, Myriam Szejer

Entering school, in order to pursue early childhood education from 3 to 6 years old, constitutes a key moment in the child's life. The little one is usually excited and proud to enter the "elder's court", although this is not always the case and there may be some situations that parents must control. In any case, to avoid possible problems at this stage, the child always needs to feel close to his parents. At three years of age, and even earlier, it is convenient for him to begin to adapt to new situations: he will have to discover that his …

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11.455 CLP eBook EPUB
Physics Revision Guide for IGCSE
Physics Revision Guide for IGCSE
Marta Fernández

Physics IGCSE

IGCSE Physics revision guide that will help you to study and enjoy this fascinating subject!

9.900 CLP eBook EPUB Fixed Format
Biology Revision Guide
Biology Revision Guide
Marta Fernández

IGCSE Biology

IGCSE Biology revision guide that will help you to study and enjoy this fascinating subject.

8.900 CLP eBook EPUB
Chemistry Revision Guide for IGCSE
Chemistry Revision Guide for IGCSE
Marta Fernández

IGCSE Chemistry.

IGCSE Chemistry revision guide that will help you to study and enjoy this fascinating subject!

6.900 CLP eBook EPUB Fixed Format
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