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Friend to Mankind Marsilio Ficino 1433-1499
Friend to Mankind Marsilio Ficino 1433-1499
Marsilio Ficino
Eighteen essays re-examine Marsilio Ficino’s life and work focusing on three essential aspects: his significance in his own times, his spreading influence throughout Europe and over subsequent centuries in many areas of thought and creativity, and his enduring relevance today. Ficino was one of the most influential humanist philosophers of the early Italian Renaissance period. Translation of his major works from Latin enables a new generation to rediscover and share Ficino’s vision of human potential.
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Marcus Aurelius: The Dialogues
Marcus Aurelius: The Dialogues
Alan Stedall

Marcus Aurelius, one of the greatest Roman emperors, is remembered less for his military exploits than for his private reflections. His Meditations, as they became known, have been a major influence on Western thought and behaviour down through the centuries, proving that the pen is mightier than the sword. Seeking an alternative to faith-based religion, Alan Stedall came across the book and found rational answers to questions about the meaning and purpose of life that had been troubling him. Here too were answers to his concern that in the absence of moral beliefs based on religion, we risk creating a …

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