
No culpes a mercurio retrógrado
No culpes a mercurio retrógrado
Ávaro Norambuena

Libro que busca explicarnos este fenómeno astrológico, para darnos las herramientas de usarlo a nuestro favor.

Todos hemos escuchado alguna vez a alguien culpando a Mercurio retrógrado por todo lo malo que le ha pasado, pero realmente ¿qué significa? Álvaro Norambuena nos dice todo lo que debemos saber sobre este fenómeno astrológico —que no es tan terrible como nos cuentan— dándonos las herramientas para entenderlo y enfrentarlo.

Así, conoceremos sobre su mitología, su influencia en nuestras vidas y sus fases, lo que nos ayudará a entender a este planeta y usar su influencia a nuestro favor.

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Saludable Mente
Saludable Mente
Marcos Vázquez

El cerebro es lo que te hace ser tú mismo, y es mucho más moldeable de lo que piensas: lo esculpes con cada una de tus acciones. Además, investigaciones recientes afirman que no solo tiene la capacidad de cambiar, sino que lo hace constantemente. Cada experiencia vital moldea detalles microscópicos de tu esencia neuronal. Lo que haces altera lo que eres.

El objetivo de este libro es ayudarte a entender mejor su funcionamiento, pero sobre todo, enseñarte a mejorarlo. Cuidar de tu cerebro no solo te ayudará a prevenir trastornos como la demencia, el alzéimer o el párkinson, sinó …

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7.501 CLP eBook EPUB
Piel sana in corpore sano
Piel sana in corpore sano
Dra. Andrea Combalia

Una invitación a un estilo de vida saludable, a la prevención de ciertas enfermedades y al cuidado y belleza del único órgano visible para todos: la piel. La Dra. Andrea Combalia, médico dermatóloga, con más de 50.000 seguidores en su revista digital Piel sana in corpore sano, nos resuelve las dudas y nos lanza prácticos consejos para que la salud y la belleza de la piel estén al alcance de todos.

¿Cómo influye el estrés sobre nuestra piel?

¿Cómo podemos saber si un lunar es maligno?

¿Cada cuando debemos lavarnos el pelo?

Desde su belleza hasta sus …

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7.501 CLP eBook EPUB
El arte de la dirección
El arte de la dirección
Ricardo Nanjari

Se propone una relación creativa entre dos mundos que parecen demasiado distantes e incluso contrapuestos: empresa y poesía. Nada más ajeno a la poesía que la eficiencia y la técnica; nada más lejos de la empresa que el silencio y la contemplación. Negocio en oposición al ocio que reivindican los artistas. Pero Ricardo Nanjari cree que la poesía sí tiene algo que aportar a ese mundo y es por eso que buscará en ella las ‘inspiraciones para el liderazgo y la excelencia en las empresas de hoy’. ¿De qué manera? Invitando a los lectores a un viaje —sin prejuicios ni …

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4.474 CLP eBook EPUB
A Guide to Underwater Wildlife Video & Editing
A Guide to Underwater Wildlife Video & Editing
Jeff Goodman

A personal look at underwater filming by award-winning wildlife cameraman Jeff Goodman. It looks at all aspects of filming underwater wildlife film, from the prospective of both the amateur and the professional photographer. The technical aspects are easily mastered by anyone, the compositional elements make a sound base from which to develop one's own style, and the straightforward text guides the filmmaker right through to the premiere! The text is interwoven with relevant factual stories from the career of cameraman Jeff Goodman and packed with wonderful marine wildlife images. This unusual blend of genres makes for an engaging read as …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Grey Feathers
Grey Feathers
Daniel M. DeWald

Grey Feathers is the story of a combat platoon leader’s role and responsibilities in the Central Highlands of South Vietnam from 1967 to 1970. The story is derived from the countless after-action reports, personal observations and experiences, interviews, and 4th division magazine articles about this period of the Vietnam War. The unit served was the 3rd Battalion, 12th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division, which was a highly decorated unit marked by a cloverleaf symbol of the 4th Division. It was nicknamed "the Braves." In 1967 when the unit was transferred to the border of Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, the unit’s main …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Poetry Through the Years
Poetry Through the Years
Paul Anthony Minger

When I first started writing poetry at 16, I never intended to write a book. Writing poetry for me was over a girl. Then it turned into more of a biography of my own life, such as a snapshot of that moment in time.When I was feeling in love, I wrote poems about love, and also those more depressing moments that come with heartbreak and loneliness. Poetry became a method of therapy at first, but as I experienced different moments in life through the military, traveling, marriage, children, and divorce, I have grown through the years and so has my …

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4.130 CLP eBook EPUB
Sherry's Secret Dictionary
Sherry's Secret Dictionary
Sherry Bedard

In Sherry’s Secret Dictionary, author Sherry Bedard shares her knowledge of dog training, plus the skill and expertise of various veterinarians and other trainers. Humorist Robert Benchley said, “A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down.” But this book is focused on the reverse, what we can teach our dogs. You will enjoy this romp in the park with Sherry. And while you are at it, you will learn plenty about canines and their behaviours. Many dogs are abandoned or neglected because their owners do not know how to cope with their …

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8.270 CLP eBook PDF
Karen Chertok

Teosinte began as a series of poems and then merged with the symbolism of Regina Szczypiorski’s art. It is structured on the seven days and nights of the Mayan Underworld. A parallel story emerged with the author’s diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in December 2010. This book is an honest account of one woman processing the system of cancer treatment in our country. It was written in the form of poetry and journals over a period of 10 years, culminating with the assertion of a new myth; a myth that responds to the common theme …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Everlasting Verses
Everlasting Verses
NatasaC. To

As a child in South Vietnam, poet Natasa To never dreamed that a home across the globe could inspire poetry within her. But after moving to the United States as a teenager, she was struck by the awe-inspiring changes each season ushered in, like a halo of snowflakes or an autumn sky. It was this awe that compelled To to honor the majesty of Virginia’s landscape in the form of poetry. Inspired by many Vietnamese poets – like Nguyen Du, Huy Can, and Xuan Dieu before her – Natasa To’s poetry makes us fall in love with every passing autumn, …

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8.270 CLP eBook PDF
Take Flight
Take Flight
RebeccaK. Carter
The author’s book is a 12-step outline on how to receive aid if you suspect yourself or someone you know has a mental illness, and how to get help.
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Neena the Baby Elephant
Neena the Baby Elephant
Louisa Korschenko
Lovingly illustrated, this wonderful true story introduces the author’s five-year-old son, Jonathan, who travels to Phuket, Thailand, where he meets Neena the Baby Elephant. The two form a strong bond of friendship, and their love for each other grows as they share wonderful experiences during Jonathan’s time in Thailand. In the end, Neena allows Jonathan to ride her, the very first person ever to do so! This very special story takes place on an extended family holiday trip, when a young boy who loves travel and animals meets an elephant who steals his heart.
8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
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