
Where We Are From
Where We Are From
The U3A

This compilation presents the work of eleven writers living in the Axarquia region of Andalucia: one Spaniard, one Canadian, eight British and one French/American. If you enjoy sauntering down memory lane in another´s shoes, you will want to read these reminiscences that provide genuinely moving and profound glimpses into their childhood realities.

Some writers offer a gentle stroll where the reader encounters the places and people who helped to shape their lives. Others provide a view of life-altering flashbacks emotional and challenging. All are different and present empowering reflections, movingly written and illustrated with heartwarming images of lives that began in …

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5.720 CLP eBook EPUB Fixed Format
Habits of the rich
Habits of the rich
Juan Diego Gómez Gómez

Many people aspire to be rich and have higher incomes.However, few achieve these goals, mostly because they lack the habits and financial education to increase money. For the author, achieving these objectives depends on the determination and mentality with which each person faces and modifies their reality. "There can be no economic growth without personal growth," says the author, who from his experience advises how to clarify the reasons for which everyone came to the world and how to transform those motivations into money. For him, a transcendent motivation in life and nurturing a mentality oriented to success are the …

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7.735 CLP eBook EPUB
At Every Point on the Mountain the Sky Begins. Conversations with Michael Barnett. A Western Spiritual Teacher. An Oral History Project
At Every Point on the Mountain the Sky Begins. Conversations with Michael Barnett. A Western Spiritual Teacher. An Oral History Project
Vikrant A. Sentis

Michael Barnett was a modern-day wizard, one of those rare human beings who could change the consciousness of those around him simply by the force of his presence.A charismatic former therapist who was both feared and revered, Barnett could be intensely confrontational and lovingly supportive. He was considered a legend in London’s emerging humanistic psychotherapeutic movement in the early 1970s and was one the founders of People not Psychiatry.This book explores Michael’s adventurous life, relationships, and profound spiritual and therapeutic impact as shared with the author during two decades of intimate conversations, email exchanges, interviews and transcendental initiations.

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8.887 CLP eBook PDF
Myocardial Torsion
Myocardial Torsion

Myocardial Torsion is a book different from others, simply because this book is unique, unusual, and I dare say with admiration, it is a curious book, partly magical, full of personality, for initiatory readers, revealing, provocative, challenging. The book has the infrequent peculiarity of being based, to a great extent, on original personal and multidisciplinary investigations, granting it an important extra value. The authors define their purpose since the firsts pages of the book: to provide solidity, validity and even more to Torrent Guasps concepts. This is certainly a different book in its structure, content and elaboration. It is a …

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9.044 CLP eBook EPUB
You shall not kill
You shall not kill
Julia Navarro

«You shall not kill, son, you shall not kill, because no man can be the same after taking another man's life.»

Fernando, a young literary editor and the son of a persecuted Spanish Republican, decides to flee a Spain battered by the Civil War. His friends, Catalina and Eulogio, escaping their own circumstances, join him in the adventure. The three young friends live a great story of unwavering friendship and loyalty which takes them on a journey through Second World War Alexandria, occupied Paris, Lisbon, Prague, Boston and Chile.

An ode to friendship

Fernando, Catalina and Eulogio have grown …

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7.501 CLP eBook EPUB
The son
The son
R. García

Good or evil, which of your two halves will dominate you?

The new first part of this saga takes place in the world of mortals. Evan, the 21 year-old son of Orestes and Donnalina, fights everything that the sacred scriptures had in store for him. His life begins to twist at the moment he meets Bianca. He soon discovers that nothing is accidental; that beautiful, mere mortal has been linked to his destiny, even before birth. The first book of the saga comes loaded with passion and eroticism, accompanied by large doses of action and mystery.

Dark side´s betrayal: …

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5.900 CLP eBook EPUB
Kamasutra innovation
Kamasutra innovation
Jorge Cuevas Dávalos

¡Atrévete a practicar las cuatro posiciones mentales para cambiar el mundo!

Haz uso de tu pensamiento creativo y descubre soluciones para tu vida personal y tus negocios, a través de cuatro posiciones mentales.

De Jorge Cuevas, autor de los bestsellers El Buscalocos y Liderazgo quántico, así como de la app digital Tu coach para innovar, que guía a personas y equipos a salirse de la caja.

En el Kamasutra de la sexualidad se requiere una flexibilidad física fuera de serie, pero yo no alcanzo a hacer ni la mitad de las posiciones. Lo bueno es que en El Kamasutra de …

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4.501 CLP eBook EPUB
El Sistema 3. The 3 System
El Sistema 3. The 3 System
Mario Teresano

“Mi nombre es Mario Teresano. Desde mi adolescencia he sido un gran apasionado del culturismo y el fitness, deporte que desde entonces se ha convertido en mi estilo de vida. Consultado en innumerables oportunidades sobre cómo entrenar y llevar adelante una correcta nutrición sin grandes complicaciones y privaciones, he desarrollado el Sistema 3.

El libro tiene como objetivo enseñarte a llevar un estilo de vida equilibrado, para que mantenerse en forma y con salud no tenga que ser algo tedioso ni suponer privaciones de todo tipo. Un sistema fácil de seguir por cualquier persona indistintamente de su edad, profesión u obligaciones …

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28.503 CLP eBook EPUB
Gael´s Worlds - Hybrid Earth
Gael´s Worlds - Hybrid Earth
Ana Halabe


Earth has changed. Humans are Changed. Now Hybrids are here.

The Nixo Chief Norkam, along with the hybrid-human Leiana and her Warrior Cyan, rule the new world. Yseut and Gael run away in order to reunite with Hugo, his father, and accomplish their mission in the planet Aether. On the way, they will rescue a 18-year-old boy called Jano who, together with the seasoned Leon, will take part of the growing group of «Normal» humans; they will try to resist the Change created by the Nixos planning the destruction of the «Distinct» …

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3.500 CLP eBook EPUB
Gael´s Worlds - Earth
Gael´s Worlds - Earth
Ana Halabe


The young and famous actor Gael Ryan is about to see his world completely changed when he falls in love with the beautiful Yseut, from the distant planet Aether, and learns that the Earth, as we know it, will disappear forever.

The Savia, a substance of unknown origin capable of modifying the genetic constitution and causing biological alterations, is coming to our planet. Given his Natural Leader condition, Gael must leave to the Aethereal world during the maximum point of the next Terrestrial eclipse. Yseut assures him that the …

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3.500 CLP eBook EPUB
Innovation in Pharmacy
Innovation in Pharmacy
Organizer Committee IPAP18 – Salamanca

This book contains the summaries of the "Innovations in Pharmacy: Advances and Perspectives" that took place in Salamanca (Spain) in September 2018. The early science of chemistry and microbiology were the source of most drugs until the revolution of genetic engineering in the mid 1970s. Then biotechnology made available novel protein agents such as interferons, blood factors and monoclonal antibodies that have changed the modern pharmacy. Over the past year, a new pharmacy of oligonucleotides has emerged from the science of gene expression such as RNA splicing and RNA interference. The ability to design therapeutic agents from genomic sequences will …

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0 CLP eBook PDF
An epic history of pharmacy. Pharmacy in the Ancient World
An epic history of pharmacy. Pharmacy in the Ancient World
Luis Marcos Nogales

What really sets humankind apart from other species is our fondness of drugs. This vale of tears, full of plants and animals to tame, was the breeding ground for cultures and civilizations with a penchant for developing the noble art of pharmacy. The Neolithic revolution marked the coming into being and development of great states and empires, with the consequential increase in headaches. But that was no big deal, since shamans, witch doctors, physicians, priests, apothecaries, and/or sorcerers sought, and sometimes found, remedies to relieve migraines and a wide range of ailments. 
After a taste of this Epic History of Pharmacy …

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2.480 CLP eBook PDF
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