
Aestheticism in Art
Aestheticism in Art
William Hogarth

William Hogarth wrote his Analysis of Beauty in 1753, during the Age of Enlightenment. Through this captivating text, he tends to define the notion of beauty in painting and states that it is linked, per se, to the use of the serpentine lines in pictorial compositions. He calls it the line of beauty . His essay is thus dedicated to the study of the composition of paintings, depending on the correct use of the pictorial lines, light, colour, and the figure's attitudes. These timeless concepts have been applied by several artists through the centuries. Paintings from every period have here …

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Persian Miniatures 120 illustrations
Persian Miniatures 120 illustrations
Anatoli Ivanov, Vladimir Loukonine
Encounter one of history’s greatest civilisations through miniatures. In Persian Miniatures, the story of the magnificent Persian Empire is told by way of a small but vibrant artistic tradition. The colourful images, which are, in fact, elaborate book illustrations, introduce a curious world of adventures, heroes and sovereigns. The Mega Square layout highlights three details from each image and helps to discover amazing peculiarities.
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G. Appolinaire, Victoria Charles

Dada shocked the world between the years 1916 and 1922. Dada was not an art movement in the normal sense. It was a storm that broke over the art scene of the time, as the war upon the peoples. They consciously staged anti-art events. According to Max Ernst, it was the 'outbreak of anger and zest for life' at the same time. The indignation about the monstrous genocide during World War I was great and equally at the 'civilization that had brought it about.' Dada was an international uprising. The war radically changed the art scene in the vibrant cities …

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Egyptian art
Egyptian art
Elie Faure, Jean Capart, Victoria Charles

Egyptian art is perhaps the most impersonal that exists. The artist effaces himself. But he has such an innate sense of life, a sense so directly moved and so limpid that everything of life which he describes seems defi ned by that sense, to issue from the natural gesture, from the exact attitude, in which one no longer sees stiffness. His impersonality resembles that of the trees bowing in the wind with a single movement and without resistance, or that of the water which wrinkles into equal circles all moving in the same direction. From afar, Egyptian art seems changeless …

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Victoria Charles

In the arts, Neoclassicism is a historical tradition or aesthetic attitude based on the art of Greece and Rome in antiquity. The movement started around the 18th-century, age of Enlightenment, and continued into the early 19th-century The general credo associated with the aesthetic attitude of Classicism was that art had to be rational and therefore morally better. Neoclassicists also believed that art should be cerebral, not sensual and therefore characterised by clarity of form, sober colours and shallow space. It was a reaction against both the surviving Baroque and Rococo styles, and a desire to return to the perceived ""purity"" …

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Caspar David Friedrich. Master of the tragic landscape (5 September 1774 – 7 May 1840)
Caspar David Friedrich. Master of the tragic landscape (5 September 1774 – 7 May 1840)
Victoria Charles

Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840), a prominent German painter of the 19th century, was a vital figure in the Romantic movement. His artwork is characterised by its poetic and melancholic essence, displaying a profound sense of spirituality and transcendence. In his paintings, he masterfully blended external nature depictions with deep inner symbolism. His often desolate landscapes and grand architecture evoke a yearning for peace, solitude, and spiritual elevation. The skilful utilisation of light and shadow in his composition amplifies the emotional resonance of Friedrich's art, imbuing it with an almost mystical quality. The artistic legacy of Caspar David Friedrich continues to …

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Still Life 120 illustrations
Still Life 120 illustrations
Victoria Charles
Cézanne transformed a teacup into something alive, raising still-life to the point that it ceased to be inanimate. Wassily Kandinsky said about the French artist: “He painted these things as human beings because he was endowed with the gift of divining the inner life in everything.” In addition to those of Cézanne, this book is devoted to still-life paintings by artists such as Van Gogh, Matisse, Chardin and Picasso.
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Art of War
Art of War
Sun Tzu, Victoria Charles

Over the course of history, many wars have changed the political and cultural landscape of our world. While these events are defined by their upheaval and violence, they frequently contribute to the formation of the identity of entire generations or groups of people, and thus have significant cultural effects. Despite the physical and emotional destruction that occurs during these turbulent periods, they have inspired prolific artistic creation. In the wake of traumatic events over the centuries, a myriad of artists have produced works that immortalise the most dramatic moments of these wars in order to establish them in history forever. …

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In Praise of Hands
In Praise of Hands
Henri Focilon, Victoria Charles

To speak about art is to evoke the hand of the creator who produced the work. It is to confer to its gestures the importance of thoughts and to explore their point of convergence on the canvas or the stone. With this text, Henri Focillon delivers one of the most beautiful odes to the hand and, simultaneously, to the talent of artists, studying Hokusai, Cézanne, and even Rodin. What do artists such as Rembrandt, David, Gauguin, and Hokusai have in common? A virtuosity of the hand, replies Henri Focillon. The viewer often forgets that behind the works, it is first …

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Albrecht Dürer 1471-1528
Albrecht Dürer 1471-1528
Victoria Charles

Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) is widely regarded as one of the most significant artists of the Northern Renaissance. Born in Nuremberg, Germany, Dürer became renowned for his mastery of various mediums, including painting, printmaking, and wood-cutting. Throughout his life, Dürer produced a vast array of works that demonstrated his technical skill and innovative vision. His art often incorporated religious and classical themes, and his use of perspective and realism helped to establish new standards in European art. Beyond his artistic achievements, Dürer was also a prolific writer and thinker. His treatises on geometry, human proportion, and the theory of perspective remain …

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Explora Grecia 1
Explora Grecia 1
Varios Autores

La mejor compañera de viaje para descubrir todos los rincones de la Grecia más paradisíaca.Arte e historia se aúnan en Grecia, cuna de la civilización occidental, en forma de bellos templos, monumentos y palacios. Navegar hasta calderas volcánicas y puertos, recorrer interminables islas en busca de las mejores playas y saborear deliciosas cocinas regionales, son algunas de las actividades que aguardan al viajero en este paraíso. Amantes de la playa y de la montaña disfrutarán a partes iguales, ya sea perdiéndose en las transparentes aguas azules de Antipaxos o recorriendo los olivares y viñedos de Cefalonia . Degustar la increíble …

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Magic Box. Tricks and illusions!
Magic Box. Tricks and illusions!
Tom Jackson
Wow! How did that happen? Amaze your friends with these terrific tricks. Try the illusions provided, then all those in the book. You’ll soon be a Master Magician! * Learn conjuring secrets. * What to do and what to say. * Includes tricks with everyday items.
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