
Persian Miniatures 120 illustrations
Persian Miniatures 120 illustrations
Anatoli Ivanov, Vladimir Loukonine
Encounter one of history’s greatest civilisations through miniatures. In Persian Miniatures, the story of the magnificent Persian Empire is told by way of a small but vibrant artistic tradition. The colourful images, which are, in fact, elaborate book illustrations, introduce a curious world of adventures, heroes and sovereigns. The Mega Square layout highlights three details from each image and helps to discover amazing peculiarities.
12.357 CLP eBook EPUB
Persian Art
Persian Art
Anatoly Ivanov, Vladimir Lukonin

Housed in the Hermitage Museum along with other institutes, libraries, and museums in Russia and the republics of the former Soviet Union are some of the most magnificent treasures of Persian Art. For the most part, many of these works have been lost, but have been catalogued and published here for the first time with an unsurpassed selection of colour plates. In a comprehensive introduction, Vladimir Lukonin, Director of the Oriental Art section of the Hermitage Museum, and his colleague Anatoli Ivanov have broadly documented the major developments of Persian Art: from the first signs of civilisation on the plains …

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Illuminated Manuscripts 120 illustrations
Illuminated Manuscripts 120 illustrations
Andrej Sterligow, Tamara Woronowa
Those who have had the chance to hold a medieval manuscript in their hands cannot fail to have been impressed by the feeling of being in touch with a long-passed epoch. Back when a book was a true handicraft and every copy the result of a laborious process, the object was more a work of art than a volatile commercial product. The Mega Square Illuminated Manuscripts puts the reader in touch with amazing medieval illustrations and unique adornments, which document the imaginative power of their creators.
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The Guide to Gymnastics for children
The Guide to Gymnastics for children
Anna Salaris

* Younger children can also do gymnastics without getting bored, as long as parents, teachers, babysitters or siblings are involved and become their monitors. * It can be started at home, but if the weather is fine, it can also be done outdoors, preferably in a meadow or on the beach. The desire to play, which is never lacking in children, will do the rest. * This book offers you many useful tips and a host of games designed to develop children's motor potential and stimulate their imagination, imitation skills, balance, coordination, etc. * Each exercise is explained in detail …

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Forging Glory
Forging Glory
Antonio Escohotado, Jesús Bengoechea

A Brief History of Real Madrid told by a soccer-loving philosopherWhat kind of determination drives Real Madrid to be the best of the best year after year, and to achieve it with unusual frequency? How do you explain that it has been the most successful club on the world for a century and more? Maybe taking prestige so seriously increments the amount of expertise, since one of the substantial advantages of sport over any other competitive activity is that it does not banish the magnetism of war, in fact it is tamed by the rule of fair play. Maybe it's …

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Ardenas 1944
Ardenas 1944
Antony Beevor

El sábado 16 de diciembre de 1944 Hitler inició su “última jugada” en los bosques nevados de las Ardenas. Su intención era realizar un ataque por sorpresa que, avanzando hacia Amberes, dividiese los ejércitos aliados e hiciese posible infligirles una severa derrota: un nuevo Dunquerque que cambiase el curso de una guerra que había llegado a una situación angustiosa, con los ejércitos soviéticos avanzando en suelo alemán. El ataque, en el que intervendrían dos ejércitos blindados, se complementaba con la actuación en la retaguardia de un comando de soldados alemanes, con uniformes y vehículos norteamericanos. Como hiciera en Stalingrado, Beevor …

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Jasper Johns
Jasper Johns
Catherine Craft

At a time when the dominant mode of painting, Abstract Expressionism, emphasised expressive drama through bold brushwork and largely abstract compositions, Johns’ paintings of the American flag, targets, numbers and the alphabet demonstrated a decided departure from convention. Despite being painted with obvious care, they seemed emotionally reticent, cool and quiet, far from the emotional fireworks then fashionable. “It all began… with my painting a picture of an American flag. Using this design took care of a great deal for me because I didn’t have to design it. So I went on to similar things like the targets - things …

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Louis Comfort Tiffany and artworks
Louis Comfort Tiffany and artworks
Charles De Kay, Charles De Kay

A jeweler with an established reputation through the world, Louis Comfort Tiffany was the spearhead of the Art Nouveau movement in the United States. At a time and in a country in perpetual growth, Tiffany succeeded in elevating the decorative to the rank of fine art. Glass was the field of expertise of Tiffany’s workshops. There they developed groundbreaking techniques of treatment which produced beautiful effects on glass. Following the examples of Gallé or Daum, Tiffany made the most of this material: playing with colors, opaqueness and transparency… However, his most famous success is his lamps in mosaic of glass, …

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Historic Maritime Maps
Historic Maritime Maps
Cocinar Hoy, Donald Wigal, Enrico Medail

This book presents a selection of oceanic charts dating from the 13th to the 17th century. Though to us they may appear rudimentary, they bear excellent witness to the achievements of the early European navigators, and to their determination to explore the very ends of the Earth. What the charts may lack in geographical accuracy they undoubtedly make up for in charm. And of course they are priceless historical records. Recounting the epic voyages of maritime exploration, from Erik the Red to Robert Peary, author Donald Wigal leads us on an exciting journey from Terra Incognita to the World As …

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Mate Cototo Vol I
Mate Cototo Vol I
Cristóbal Peña y Lillo

Lo que usted está a punto de leer es algo raro pero a la vez muy conocido. Raro, porque Cristobal Peña y Lillo, ha escrito (y dibujado) un libro original, con una línea entre el garabato y el diseño más minimalista. Y conocido, porque su temática nos resulta cercana y cotidiana, de todos los días. Este libro viene a ser una enciclopedia de las costumbres en torno al mate. Un wikipedia o matepedia donde podemos encontrar desde los mandamientos en torno a la sagrada infusión, hasta las herejías de la bebida verde. Donde sus enunciados a veces parecen académicos y …

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Vino y Asado Cototo
Vino y Asado Cototo
Cristóbal Peña y Lillo
El vino y el asado se han convertido en símbolos de la cultura argentina. Disfrutarlos en su máxima expresión involucra una serie de rituales que se han establecido poco a poco en encuentros familiares o de amigos y que hoy hacen parte de la tradición popular. El artista plástico Cristóbal Peña y Lillo ilustra estas costumbres de una forma sencilla y divertida, desplegando lo mejor de sus Cototos.
4.141 CLP eBook PDF
Valentin Serov
Valentin Serov
Dmitri V. Sarabianov

Among the “young peredvizhniki” who joined the World of Art group, the most brilliant portraitist was Valentin Serov. Like many of his contemporaries, he delighted in painting out of doors, and some of his most appealing portraits – such as Girl with Peaches, Girl in Sunlight and In Summer - owe their naturalness to their setting or to the interplay of sunlight and shadows. Indeed, Serov regarded them as “studies” rather than portraits, giving them descriptive titles that omitted the sitter's name. The subject of Girl with Peaches – painted when Serov was only twenty-two – was in fact Mamontov's …

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