Tendencias en búsquedas


Aleix Saló

Someone Devoured the Middle Class

When the middle class stars in a horror film, Europe trembles.

When Europe directs a horror film, the middle class trembles.

Do we know how to recognize our oldest fears? Where are the monsters that want to suck our blood?

And worst of all... what the hell does it mean to be Europeans?

Aleix Saló broadens his horizons and leads us on a safari across the European Union, a wild and untamed territory where not even God knows which way the wind will blow.

2.500 CLP eBook EPUB Fixed Format
Empowering you, empowering her
Empowering you, empowering her
Marty Seldman, Mónica Bauer, Paula Santilli

Let’s be a force that brings development and equality to women worldwide by helping them realize their professional goals!

Women’s economic power is critical to the pressing recovery of the global economy. PepsiCo’s LatAm executives Paula Santilli and Mónica Bauer, together with business coach Marty Seldman, know that unleashing that power is not easy—women today face many challenges in their social, economic, and work environments. This is why with this book they aim to raise women’s self-confidence, by giving them the necessary tools to stimulate their personal and professional development. Their twelve rules will unlock women’s full potential …

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6.500 CLP eBook EPUB
Mexico in the Path of Development
Mexico in the Path of Development
Enrique de la Madrid Cordero

Enrique de la Madrid examines Mexico's comparative advantages, its growth potential and the challenges of the internal reforms promoted by President Enrique Peña Nieto.

Enrique de la Madrid Cordero analyses Mexico's economic growth over the last three decades and the historic opportunity for eliminating its barriers to growth and aspiring to becoming a developed country.

Foreword by Luis Videgaray Caso.

"Mexico is blessed with a wealth of strengths and comparative advantages, placing it among the countries with the highest growth potential in the twenty-first century. Furthermore, this country has achieved a series of fundamental goals over the years, clearly …

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8.500 CLP eBook EPUB
Generating Talent
Generating Talent
José Antonio Marina

Generating Talent: How to Put Intelligence to Work develops an innovative model that explains the generation of talent as intelligence acting in a way that is suitable, brilliant and efficient. It reveals how it is generated not only in individuals, but in organizations and societies as well.

«This is an optimistic book. Not optimistic with the slightly flaccid optimism of self-help books that promise us all that we can become instant millionaires, but optimistic because it describes how neuroscience shows our capacities to be even greater than previously thought.»
José Antonio Marina

Every year, countless studies are published which …

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6.900 CLP eBook EPUB
Aleix Saló

Someone Devoured the Middle Class

When the middle class stars in a horror film, Europe trembles.

When Europe directs a horror film, the middle class trembles.

Do we know how to recognize our oldest fears? Where are the monsters that want to suck our blood?

And worst of all... what the hell does it mean to be Europeans?

Aleix Saló broadens his horizons and leads us on a safari across the European Union, a wild and untamed territory where not even God knows which way the wind will blow.

2.500 CLP eBook EPUB
Kamasutra innovation
Kamasutra innovation
Jorge Cuevas Dávalos

¡Atrévete a practicar las cuatro posiciones mentales para cambiar el mundo!

Haz uso de tu pensamiento creativo y descubre soluciones para tu vida personal y tus negocios, a través de cuatro posiciones mentales.

De Jorge Cuevas, autor de los bestsellers El Buscalocos y Liderazgo quántico, así como de la app digital Tu coach para innovar, que guía a personas y equipos a salirse de la caja.

En el Kamasutra de la sexualidad se requiere una flexibilidad física fuera de serie, pero yo no alcanzo a hacer ni la mitad de las posiciones. Lo bueno es que en El Kamasutra de …

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4.501 CLP eBook EPUB
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