
Structural Models of Inorganic Crystals
Structural Models of Inorganic Crystals
Ángel Vegas

Commonly accepted, the conventional ionic model has been used for almost one century to describe inorganic solids in terms of cation-centred anionic polyhedrons.
Unfortunately, the model is unable to either describe or understand why inorganic compounds adopt the structures they have.
In this book, the author exposes the limitations of the ionic model and proposes new concepts, like the relation between oxidation and pressure and the extended Zintl-Klemm concept combined with Hoffmann's isolobality concept, hypervalency and the equivalence between electrons pairs and anions,to obtain a much deeper understanding of the structures of inorganic.
The experimental data discussed along the text under the light …

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Tao meditations
Tao meditations
Martin Palmer, Zhao Xiaomin

Taoist meditation is an essential aspect of spiritual practice in the Taoist tradition. Focused on harmony with nature and the Universe, it offers a path to inner peace and deep understanding of oneself and the world around us. Unlike other forms of meditation, it emphasizes flow and transformation, mimicking the natural movement of the Tao, the universal force. In Taoist literature, such as Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching", these principles are explored and guided, allowing for rewarding and enlightening practice. This book on Taoist meditation will be a valuable addition for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of these ancient …

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Patagonia Wild and Free
Patagonia Wild and Free
Duncan Campbell, Gladys Grace-Paz, William H. Greenwood

In 1875, William Greenwood made his home in the wilds of Patagonia, a pioneer in the territory of Tehuelche Indians. There he guided expeditions into the unmapped Interior. He lived by hunting wild cattle and horses, pumas and guanacos, foxes and ostriches, then trading their hides, pelts and feathers in distant Punta Arenas. This was life on the South American Frontier, a southern version of the "Wild West". There were many adventures, but also times of hunger and hardship, with only dogs and horses for company. His life was threatened by snowstorms, by a wild bull, and by a volcanic …

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From Esalen to Pune, Osho and the Path of Humanistic Transpersonal Psychology Experiential
From Esalen to Pune, Osho and the Path of Humanistic Transpersonal Psychology Experiential
Vikrant A. Sentis

This book fills a great void existing, until now, in the description and understanding of the history of modern psychology. It sheds light on one of the most unknown and least assumed aspects of the historical development of humanistic-transpersonally oriented psychotherapy, by exposing, in a systematic and adequately documented way, the details of the development of therapeutic processes, the personal stories of the pioneers of the Human Potential Movement and the, in many ways, profound impact that Osho (also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) had on hundreds of psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists between the 1970s and 1990s. Numerous of the most …

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The Lewy Body Disease. A circumstance in my life
The Lewy Body Disease. A circumstance in my life
Selva Marasco

This book shows the world of feelings of the affected person. Selva captures it finely in its pages and tells it chronologically from the most incipient steps in the reception of a diagnosis to the full assumption of a reality.To be able to access this knowledge is a jewel not to be missed by anyone interested in Lewy Body Disease: professionals, people affected, carers. But this is not the greatest achievement of the writing; the book manages to pierce the layer of general ignorance on the subject, allowing to know, raise awareness and assume the existence of this disease, unknown …

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Tea Party Resurgence
Tea Party Resurgence
Scott J. Schroeder

Tea Party Resurgence highlights the escalating problems associated with the growing U.S. federal debt and how it affects all Americans. The issues and recommendations discussed will appeal to all Americans concerned about the country we will be leaving our future generations and the burdens we are inflicting on them with our current reckless spending. At the core of the book, several principles are considered for inclusion into future Tea Party principles that will appeal to a greater number of Americans on both sides of the political spectrum. This is a hard-hitting indictment of establishment politicians on Capitol Hill, who refuse …

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Bikini Story
Bikini Story
Patrik Alac

It was in 1946 that the world first came to hear of a coral atoll in the Marshall Islands called Bikini. The following year, French couturier Louis Réard borrowed the name and applied it to a bathing costume for women. Breaking from decades of conformity, Réard dared to ‘undress’ women’s bodies in order to better emphasize what remained clothed - albeit in tiny wisps of material. By taking up the bikini as popular beachwear, women also found themselves thinking differently about their bodies. An ideal of perfection was reinforced by the appearance on the cinema screen of stars such as …

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14.799 CLP eBook EPUB
The guide to starting school
The guide to starting school
Marie Auffret-Pericone, Myriam Szejer

Entering school, in order to pursue early childhood education from 3 to 6 years old, constitutes a key moment in the child's life. The little one is usually excited and proud to enter the "elder's court", although this is not always the case and there may be some situations that parents must control. In any case, to avoid possible problems at this stage, the child always needs to feel close to his parents. At three years of age, and even earlier, it is convenient for him to begin to adapt to new situations: he will have to discover that his …

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11.455 CLP eBook EPUB
Wisdom and Enlightenment in the 21st Century
Wisdom and Enlightenment in the 21st Century
Mirza Murtuza

Doesn’t everyone need Wisdom and Enlightenment in the 21st Century? Throughout life, an independent mind is usually interested in two ever-burning questions: What is truth and what is good? Both these pursuits have been monopolized, first by science and then by religion. Every institution eventually becomes soulless and ossified, as well as tyrannical over the freedom of mind and soul. Nothing can be taken for granted. Every one of us must keep asking, "What is truth and what is good?" We must not halt at our current stage of understanding. There is always more to learn, whether it is knowledge …

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Miriam Pérez Veneros

Esta tesis doctoral versa sobre el estudio de la construcción de la atribución del significado en la diseminación de la ciencia en la prensa británica a través del análisis de los recursos utilizados por el periodista para integrar en su narración de los hechos científicos lo que otras fuentes externas han dicho. El fenómeno de la atribución en el discurso académico, científico y de los medios de comunicación se ha descrito previamente desde una perspectiva interpersonal mediante el análisis de la evaluación y de la teoría de la valoración (‘appraisal’). Además, otras investigaciones previas se han centrado también en el …

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2.470 CLP eBook PDF
Mapa del Tiempo
Mapa del Tiempo
Ariel Peveri, Micaela Peveri
Partiendo de datos conocidos y se considerando distintos tiempos se desarrolla una teoría de un mapa del tiempo en el espacio. Este mapa es como los que conocemos actualmente, pero no con los puntos geográficos, sino con distintos valores de tiempo. En una primera parte del libro se escribe sobre la historia de como fue considerado y como impacto el tiempo desde sus orígenes. Culturas egipcia, mayas y conceptos griegos de filosofía del tiempo hasta la actualidad.
6.444 CLP eBook EPUB
What for
What for
Mauricio Macri

LESSONS ON LEADERSHIP AND POWER TO WIN THE SECOND HALF OF THE GAME.One never knows when you are going to find your true vocation, but if there is one thing I have learned, it is to not accept things as they are presented to us and to always be open. This is like love; it is a vibration you only feel in your heart. We should never resign ourselves to living without love or not finding our vocation. They are out there, waiting for us. It is about finding them. They are our what for.This book is about the mysterious …

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