
Vow of Darkness
Vow of Darkness
Rodrigo Parra Sandoval

Originally published in Spanish as Voto de tinieblas, this is a translation by Kieran Tapsell. Among the stories and characters of Vow of Darkness it unfolds a reflection around the prohibitions and dangers that a nun living the confused and violent period of independence from Spain must face when she decides to be a writer in a world where writing is an exclusively male activity.
Alongside these adventures is woven a reflection about personal and collective memory. It outlines how the indigenous population extinguishes destroyed by war, smallpox and shame. And yet, there are characters trying to give sense to their …

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La poesía es un atentado celeste / Poetry Is a Celestial Attack
La poesía es un atentado celeste / Poetry Is a Celestial Attack
Vicente Huidobro

La serie Horizon Carré por iniciativa conjunta de la Fundación Vicente Huidobro, la Universidad de Washington y RIL editores, se propone acercar al público anglolector, en forma bilingüe, selecciones de poesía de grandes autores de la lengua española en cuidadas traducciones, presentadas por escritores y académicos contemporáneos. En esta edición: Vicente Huidobro, uno de los más destacados poetas chilenos, junto con Gabriela Mistral, Pablo Neruda y Nicanor Parra. Iniciador y exponente del creacionismo, es considerado uno de los grandes renovadores de la poesía en lengua española. Se relacionó con escritores de las vanguardias parisinas de hace un siglo como Apollinaire, Breton, …

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The Armenian Testament
The Armenian Testament
G.H. Guarch

The 20th century saw two great world wars. It was a century of crisis, as it was also of change and progress. However, he will be remembered for two huge human tragedies, in which groups of people tried to annihilate specific ethnic groups. This is the case of the Armenian Genocide and the Jewish Holocaust.The Armenian Testament is a historical novel in which the circumstances, characters and places are collected, as well as the political motivations that gave rise to the so-called "Armenian Genocide" between 1915 and 1916. The protagonist is a fictional character, like many those that appear throughout …

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Mientras cae la ruina y otros poemas
Mientras cae la ruina y otros poemas
C. S. Lewis

La presente obra constituye la primera antología poética en lengua castellana de la que, sin duda, fue la faceta literaria menos conocida del escritor británico C.S. Lewis.
Se puede afirmar que Lewis se sintió poeta desde sus primeros impulsos literarios hasta el final de su vida. De hecho, sus primeros textos publicados bajo el seudónimo de Clive Hamilton fueron un pequeño tomo de versos titulado Spirits in Bondage (1919) y el largo poema narrativo Dymer (1926). De la misma manera, sus escritos autobiográficos o de carácter privado muestran que su vocación literaria fue, primera y esencialmente, una vocación poética y que ésta se mantuvo firme …

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A Life in Orbit
A Life in Orbit
Ken W. Simpson

In my first book of poetry and prose, The Learning Process, I explored many themes. For my second book, A Life in Orbit, I determined to try something novel and new: a biography in verse. It was a daunting project because I had to revisit my past and translate my thoughts and memories into a discipline of words, lines and verses. I was handicapped to an extent by the restraints imposed by the narrative style. I had to write truthfully, and without embellishment in four-line stanzas, within the time span and framework of eleven periods of my life. These periods …

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Diario de un vacío
Diario de un vacío
Emi Yagi

¿Mentimos para sentirnos menos solos?Shibata es la única mujer de su oficina. No se puede quejar: es un trabajo estable y aquí nadie la molesta ni le hace proposiciones fuera de tono. Pero está harta de no salir nunca a su hora y de que sus compañeros den por sentado que debe encargarse de servir el café, limpiar, ordenar… Hasta que, una mañana anuncia que no seguirá ocupándose de nada de esto. Está embarazada. O eso dice.Diario de un vacío sigue el día a día de Shibata desde que anuncia su falso embarazo y recupera, por fin, tiempo para sí …

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Time and Iconoclasm
Time and Iconoclasm
Luisa Aurora Viviana Rodal

Luisa Aurora Viviana Rodal, after graduating in Letters and Philosophy (UBA), realized during ten years different academic labors at various universities. During the years 1982 and 1983 she pursued postgraduate studies and researches  at the Department of Religion, Syracuse University,  New York, USA. Independently, she continued her studies in the fields of Religion and Ethics. This essay, meditated during a long period of time, includes themes that concern her: iconoclasm as the limit of the image and symbol and  time as possibility of freedom and creation. She dedicates herself also to Art, especially to play violin.

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Within Scope of Ascension
Within Scope of Ascension
Vincent Augmon

Within Scope of Ascension is a poetic litany of philosophies and prose that addresses a wide range of subject matter on the human condition, from both the past and present.The book hopes to encourage readers to exercise freedom of independent thought, while aiming to inspire patience, tolerance, and acceptance of others' feelings, beliefs, and expressions. It also presents a 300-year historical analysis of specific political, economic, cultural, and social agendas, and their distinct effects on the human condition from 1712 to 2012. The book was written to help forge a universal awareness that can fortify communications and ultimately empathy with …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
You've Got a Friend in Me
You've Got a Friend in Me
B. A. O'Reilly
Says author B. A. O’Reilly, "We were born to be free. Open the pages of this book and smile." You’ve Got a Friend in Me presents a collection of delightful children’s poems about animals trying to survive in the wild, striving to make friends, and searching for their happy place. Each poem comes with a good message for children to embrace as they grow up in a world lacking in love and compassion. It’s always important to make friends!
8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Pauline Hatton

What makes people tick? Reality: A Collection of Thought Provoking Poetry is written to cover a wide range of diverse subjects that readers will relate to and enjoy. Teenagers can also become aware in advance of things that could cross their path as they age. It is a small book that parents can safely share with their children. Says author Pauline Hatton, "I have felt for a long time there is a lot to be said about life and its characters and the unknown things that people are affected by. This brings out the hidden side of people." Bearing an …

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Arturo Ortega Blake

This historic novel tells the story of how the legendary Erik the Red led his men to a land of plenty where they built a nation: Greenland. Later, Leif, like his father before him, will also guide his people to a sweeping and much more bountiful land which, centuries later, would come to be called America. It is a tale of the challenges of that savage and indomitable world, as well as their struggle against nature and, above all, the Algonquin. Arturo Ortega Blake sets out their customs, dress, and mythology, and even their codes of honor, world view and …

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Current trends in anglophone studies:
Current trends in anglophone studies:

La publicación de este volumen representa un caso relativamente insólito. Un pequeño grupo de jóvenes investigadores de menos de treinta años convence a un grupo mucho más numeroso de la misma edad para celebrar en Salamanca la First Conference of Young Researchers on Anglophone Studies. El resultado es deslumbrante. No solo demuestran una gran capacidad organizativa, sino que los resultados individuales de las aportaciones científicas son sobresalientes. Este volumen, Current Trends in Anglophone Studies, recoge una selección revisada de las propuestas presentadas en el Encuentro y gira en torno a una estructuración tripartita clásica: estudios culturales, lingüísticos y literarios. En …

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