Tendencias en búsquedas


Marta Susana Ancarani

Drawing on Joseph Capmbell´s The Hero with the Thousand Faces, Marta Ancarani analices Herzog´s quest in terms of the separationinitiation-return pattern proposed by the eminent scholar. The answers Herzog finds through his painful quest help him come to terms with himself so that he can try to change a society "that was no community and devalued the person. Owing to the multiplied power of numbers which made the self negligible. Which spent military billions against foreign enemies but would not pay for order at home. Which permitted savagery and barbarism in its own great cities. At the same time, the …

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1.831 CLP eBook EPUB
Prince of paranoia
Prince of paranoia
J.D. Lovegood

I am drowning here, you are just describing the water.

Like a mirror, a door to the world in a subjective way. With the belief that objectivity does not exist. Looking through the matrix, hooked to the machines. From outside he controls them, he enters the game but is not part of it. You enter to save the world from the virus, but sometimes you realize that you are the benign virus «in a polluted world».

3.900 CLP eBook EPUB
Current trends in anglophone studies:
Current trends in anglophone studies:

La publicación de este volumen representa un caso relativamente insólito. Un pequeño grupo de jóvenes investigadores de menos de treinta años convence a un grupo mucho más numeroso de la misma edad para celebrar en Salamanca la First Conference of Young Researchers on Anglophone Studies. El resultado es deslumbrante. No solo demuestran una gran capacidad organizativa, sino que los resultados individuales de las aportaciones científicas son sobresalientes. Este volumen, Current Trends in Anglophone Studies, recoge una selección revisada de las propuestas presentadas en el Encuentro y gira en torno a una estructuración tripartita clásica: estudios culturales, lingüísticos y literarios. En …

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7.620 CLP eBook PDF
The Volatile Diaries
The Volatile Diaries
Agustina Guerrero

With a comic outlook on life and a purely passionate and earnest trace, Agustina Guerrero takes us into the personal universe of a thirty-year-old woman in a striped t-shirt whose take on the world will bring out a smile in anyone.

The Volatile Diaries started out as an autobiographical blog in 2011 and in only a few months the Volatile, its main character, got thousands of followers and became an immediate success on the social networks.

Nowadays, she's got over 400,000 followers on Facebook and her stories are compiled in this book that also offers tons of unpublished material.

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4.501 CLP eBook EPUB Fixed Format
Pauline Hatton

What makes people tick? Reality: A Collection of Thought Provoking Poetry is written to cover a wide range of diverse subjects that readers will relate to and enjoy. Teenagers can also become aware in advance of things that could cross their path as they age. It is a small book that parents can safely share with their children. Says author Pauline Hatton, "I have felt for a long time there is a lot to be said about life and its characters and the unknown things that people are affected by. This brings out the hidden side of people." Bearing an …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Mientras cae la ruina y otros poemas
Mientras cae la ruina y otros poemas
C. S. Lewis

La presente obra constituye la primera antología poética en lengua castellana de la que, sin duda, fue la faceta literaria menos conocida del escritor británico C.S. Lewis.
Se puede afirmar que Lewis se sintió poeta desde sus primeros impulsos literarios hasta el final de su vida. De hecho, sus primeros textos publicados bajo el seudónimo de Clive Hamilton fueron un pequeño tomo de versos titulado Spirits in Bondage (1919) y el largo poema narrativo Dymer (1926). De la misma manera, sus escritos autobiográficos o de carácter privado muestran que su vocación literaria fue, primera y esencialmente, una vocación poética y que ésta se mantuvo firme …

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He visto salir el sol en invierno / I have seen the sun come out in winter. Antología / Anthology
He visto salir el sol en invierno / I have seen the sun come out in winter. Antología / Anthology
Claudio Durán

Esta antología es una selección de los textos más representativos desde la perspectiva de su autor, reconocido poeta, académico e investigador. Y es además bilingüe, ya que Chile y Canadá son ámbitos geográficos diametralmente opuestos pero que conforman su doble espacio vital, experiencial e idiomático. Los poemas seleccionados en esta antología abarcan publicaciones que son hitos de las diversas facetas sucesivas de este autor la generación de los sesenta. Destaca el papel primordial que la memoria tiene en esta obra, que despliega lo bucólico, el paraíso perdido, el illo témpore, pero también los paisajes urbanos pretéritos y actuales. 

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8.144 CLP eBook PDF
Frankenstein revisited
Frankenstein revisited
Miriam Borham Puyal

Este volumen busca reivindicar el legado de Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley y celebrar los doscientos años de la publicación de su obra maestra, "Frankenstein o el Moderno Prometeo" (1818). Para ello, expone la permeabilidad del mito del científico y su criatura a través de una serie en ensayos que exploran adaptaciones contemporáneas en diversos medios (literatura, cine, televisión, videojuegos, YouTube) que demuestran la relevancia de Frankenstein en nuestros días. Los capítulos permiten al lector conocer las reescrituras populares del teatro del siglo XIX y su impacto en la ficción cinematográfica más reciente; descubrir la influencia de Shelley sobre otras escritoras con …

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2.480 CLP eBook PDF
The volatile diaries
The volatile diaries
Agustina Guerrero

With a comic outlook on life and a purely passionate and earnest trace, Agustina Guerrero takes us into the personal universe of a thirty-year-old woman in a striped t-shirt whose take on the world will bring out a smile in anyone.

The Volatile Diaries started out as an autobiographical blog in 2011 and in only a few months the Volatile, its main character, got thousands of followers and became an immediate success on the social networks.

Nowadays, she's got over 400,000 followers on Facebook and her stories are compiled in this book that also offers tons of unpublished material.

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4.501 CLP eBook EPUB
A Life in Orbit
A Life in Orbit
Ken W. Simpson

In my first book of poetry and prose, The Learning Process, I explored many themes. For my second book, A Life in Orbit, I determined to try something novel and new: a biography in verse. It was a daunting project because I had to revisit my past and translate my thoughts and memories into a discipline of words, lines and verses. I was handicapped to an extent by the restraints imposed by the narrative style. I had to write truthfully, and without embellishment in four-line stanzas, within the time span and framework of eleven periods of my life. These periods …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Frankenstein revisited
Frankenstein revisited
Miriam Borham Puyal

Este volumen busca reivindicar el legado de Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley y celebrar los doscientos años de la publicación de su obra maestra, "Frankenstein o el Moderno Prometeo" (1818). Para ello, expone la permeabilidad del mito del científico y su criatura a través de una serie en ensayos que exploran adaptaciones contemporáneas en diversos medios (literatura, cine, televisión, videojuegos, YouTube) que demuestran la relevancia de Frankenstein en nuestros días. Los capítulos permiten al lector conocer las reescrituras populares del teatro del siglo XIX y su impacto en la ficción cinematográfica más reciente; descubrir la influencia de Shelley sobre otras escritoras con …

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2.480 CLP eBook EPUB
Jesse Cougot

The pieces you are about to read are not just poetry. These pieces are my diary. It is a growing experience for me and hopefully for you too. Some of the pieces are riddles … Some of the pieces are to be taken literally; others are not. You decide. – Jesse Cougot This is a collection of poetry about the trials and tribulations of a young man’s life. The compelling prose addresses confusion, meditation, spirituality (or sometimes lack thereof), sexuality, anger, resentment, love, lust, freedom, heaven, hell, masochism, suicidal tendencies, suicidal attempts, actual suicide, politics, and all the other ways …

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