
Elections & Deceptions
Elections & Deceptions
Alfredo Torres

The election of Fernando Belaunde as president of the republic in 1980 marked Peru's return to democracy after twelve years of military government. Since then, the country has had nine general elections and no military coups. Even so, there have been a number of episodes that have posed a serious risk to Peruvian democracy. In April 2021, Peruvians will face what is perhaps the most critical election of the last four decades. With the dual crises of public health and the economy unleashed by the Coronavirus pandemic, made even more acute by a third, political crisis forged within the country's …

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4.900 CLP eBook EPUB
Empowering you, empowering her
Empowering you, empowering her
Marty Seldman, Mónica Bauer, Paula Santilli

Let’s be a force that brings development and equality to women worldwide by helping them realize their professional goals!

Women’s economic power is critical to the pressing recovery of the global economy. PepsiCo’s LatAm executives Paula Santilli and Mónica Bauer, together with business coach Marty Seldman, know that unleashing that power is not easy—women today face many challenges in their social, economic, and work environments. This is why with this book they aim to raise women’s self-confidence, by giving them the necessary tools to stimulate their personal and professional development. Their twelve rules will unlock women’s full potential …

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6.500 CLP eBook EPUB
The Art of Building Your Resilience and Adaptability
The Art of Building Your Resilience and Adaptability
Néstor Gandara

How new practices can improve your performance in life after COVID-19.

The essence of this book is to help and inspire people to adapt smoothly to the new «post-Covid World», the «new normal», as well as helping them improve other aspects of their lives.

As an example, companies have been testing and adapting to new ways of working in order to improve employee performance, optimize outputs and reduce costs such as acquiring new communication tools, collaboration tools, virtual desktops as a service, and more. Some companies implemented what is called «flexiwork», which is a hybrid mode that allows employees …

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He visto salir el sol en invierno / I have seen the sun come out in winter. Antología / Anthology
He visto salir el sol en invierno / I have seen the sun come out in winter. Antología / Anthology
Claudio Durán

Esta antología es una selección de los textos más representativos desde la perspectiva de su autor, reconocido poeta, académico e investigador. Y es además bilingüe, ya que Chile y Canadá son ámbitos geográficos diametralmente opuestos pero que conforman su doble espacio vital, experiencial e idiomático. Los poemas seleccionados en esta antología abarcan publicaciones que son hitos de las diversas facetas sucesivas de este autor la generación de los sesenta. Destaca el papel primordial que la memoria tiene en esta obra, que despliega lo bucólico, el paraíso perdido, el illo témpore, pero también los paisajes urbanos pretéritos y actuales. 

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8.144 CLP eBook PDF
100 Business Innovation Concepts
100 Business Innovation Concepts
Paco Bree

The business innovation concepts and tools guide essential for the 21st century executive.

We are currently defining a new school of management. Some elements that would integrate this new school include innovation, intra/entrepreneurship, digital transformation, exponential technologies and humanism. The XXI century executive needs to incorporate new theories, methodologies, models and tools to complete those he or she already knows and uses from classical management.

This book synthesizes the complete history of classic management, provides the fundamental elements of business innovation and poses relevant challenges for 21st century professionals. The book includes the 100 business innovation concepts that any …

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5.900 CLP eBook EPUB
Kamasutra innovation
Kamasutra innovation
Jorge Cuevas Dávalos

¡Atrévete a practicar las cuatro posiciones mentales para cambiar el mundo!

Haz uso de tu pensamiento creativo y descubre soluciones para tu vida personal y tus negocios, a través de cuatro posiciones mentales.

De Jorge Cuevas, autor de los bestsellers El Buscalocos y Liderazgo quántico, así como de la app digital Tu coach para innovar, que guía a personas y equipos a salirse de la caja.

En el Kamasutra de la sexualidad se requiere una flexibilidad física fuera de serie, pero yo no alcanzo a hacer ni la mitad de las posiciones. Lo bueno es que en El Kamasutra de …

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4.501 CLP eBook EPUB
Time and Iconoclasm
Time and Iconoclasm
Luisa Aurora Viviana Rodal

Luisa Aurora Viviana Rodal, after graduating in Letters and Philosophy (UBA), realized during ten years different academic labors at various universities. During the years 1982 and 1983 she pursued postgraduate studies and researches  at the Department of Religion, Syracuse University,  New York, USA. Independently, she continued her studies in the fields of Religion and Ethics. This essay, meditated during a long period of time, includes themes that concern her: iconoclasm as the limit of the image and symbol and  time as possibility of freedom and creation. She dedicates herself also to Art, especially to play violin.

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3.303 CLP eBook EPUB
Frankenstein revisited
Frankenstein revisited
Miriam Borham Puyal

Este volumen busca reivindicar el legado de Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley y celebrar los doscientos años de la publicación de su obra maestra, "Frankenstein o el Moderno Prometeo" (1818). Para ello, expone la permeabilidad del mito del científico y su criatura a través de una serie en ensayos que exploran adaptaciones contemporáneas en diversos medios (literatura, cine, televisión, videojuegos, YouTube) que demuestran la relevancia de Frankenstein en nuestros días. Los capítulos permiten al lector conocer las reescrituras populares del teatro del siglo XIX y su impacto en la ficción cinematográfica más reciente; descubrir la influencia de Shelley sobre otras escritoras con …

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2.480 CLP eBook PDF
Frankenstein revisited
Frankenstein revisited
Miriam Borham Puyal

Este volumen busca reivindicar el legado de Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley y celebrar los doscientos años de la publicación de su obra maestra, "Frankenstein o el Moderno Prometeo" (1818). Para ello, expone la permeabilidad del mito del científico y su criatura a través de una serie en ensayos que exploran adaptaciones contemporáneas en diversos medios (literatura, cine, televisión, videojuegos, YouTube) que demuestran la relevancia de Frankenstein en nuestros días. Los capítulos permiten al lector conocer las reescrituras populares del teatro del siglo XIX y su impacto en la ficción cinematográfica más reciente; descubrir la influencia de Shelley sobre otras escritoras con …

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2.480 CLP eBook EPUB
500 Tweets
500 Tweets
Jaume Llopis Casellas

Can you say so much in a such small space? Yes, you can, a tweet can. Tweets have revolutionized communication, they are influencing political, social, and entrepeneurial events around the globe, and it's just 280 characters. This book joins such a revolution by analyzing the economy and management. It does through the wisdom distilled in the Professor's tweets, where 30 years of experience in top managerial posts meet his academia research. 
He has posted more than 16000 tweets about the subject. He reflects about advice, good practices in economy, enterprise management, persons management, family business, strategy and organization, finances, operations and …

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6.720 CLP eBook EPUB
Prince of paranoia
Prince of paranoia
J.D. Lovegood

I am drowning here, you are just describing the water.

Like a mirror, a door to the world in a subjective way. With the belief that objectivity does not exist. Looking through the matrix, hooked to the machines. From outside he controls them, he enters the game but is not part of it. You enter to save the world from the virus, but sometimes you realize that you are the benign virus «in a polluted world».

3.900 CLP eBook EPUB
We Are Blind
We Are Blind
Jürgen Klarić

The conference "We are blind" made Jürgen Klaric famous in 50 countries. The purpose of this book is to open your eyes to how the mind works and to understand why marketing and advertising fail so often. This book teaches you- how the human mind works and its curious decision-making behavior- the principle of the three brains: cortex (rational), limbic (emotional), reptilian (instinctive)- to identify the most serious mistakes big brands make- how to change the vision and culture of the company. In addition, it provides Jürgen Klaric's ten principles to understand the subconscious mind and to maximize sales and marketing: 1. …

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