
Basis of structural design of building. According to CTE DB E,CTE DB SE-AE and NCSE-02
Basis of structural design of building. According to CTE DB E,CTE DB SE-AE and NCSE-02
Arianna Guardiola Villora, Luisa Basset Salom

This book, intended for students of Architecture or structural engineering, addresses the basis of structural design according to procedures and provisions set in the Spanish Building Technical Code (CTE DB-SE & CTE DB SE-AE) and in the Code for Seismic Design of buildings (NCSE-02) Provisions and requirements specified in these Standards related to structural safety and serviceability, limit state analysis, actions on buildings and earthquake resistant design are included and explained. A collection of practical examples illustrates key points and clarifies the implementation of these Standards to the structural design of buildings All tables needed to follow every step of …

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6.200 CLP eBook PDF
...en un suspiro... = Öin a heartbeatÖ
...en un suspiro... = Öin a heartbeatÖ
Yolanda Herranz Pascual

Las obras que integran la muestra de la artista Yolanda Herranz en Sala de Exposiciones «Cielo de Salamanca», se plantean desde la emoción y utopía. Son una búsqueda constante de ella misma y de su propia identidad. Hace referencia a la existencia, al género y en la igualdad.
«El trabajo trasmite dos cuestiones fundamentales en esta exposición (…): uno expresa los conceptos vinculados con la existencia; y otro es sentido del tiempo. Pero no es el concepto del tiempo ontológico o simplemente conceptual (…) Se trata de “un instante”, “un suspiro”. No es un instante (que es una fracción muy mínima …

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3.000 CLP eBook PDF
Eating & Being. The Gastronomic Roots of Mexico
Eating & Being. The Gastronomic Roots of Mexico

Pre-Hispanic man accorded food a central place and a vital importance in his
culture. Products such as maize, beans, squash, cacao, and chili have their
origins in Mesoamerica and form part of the cultural heritage of humanity.
This catalogue, published in connection with the exhibition Eating and Being:
The Gastronomic Roots of Mexico, seeks to honor the link between foods and the
lives of human beings.

6.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Methods of the Orthographic System of Representation
Methods of the Orthographic System of Representation
In this book, the Orthographic System of representation is presented and explained. First, the main elements of any representation (points, straight lines and planes), are represented by means of their projections, according to the basic rules of the system.Secondly, the relationships between the elements (intersections, parallelism and perpendicularity), are calculated or imposed.Finally, the essential methods of abasement, turn and plane change are explained and applied to calculate true magnitudes, distances and angles within the elements and also with regard to the projection planes
6.729 CLP eBook PDF
Egyptian art
Egyptian art
Elie Faure, Jean Capart, Victoria Charles

Egyptian art is perhaps the most impersonal that exists. The artist effaces himself. But he has such an innate sense of life, a sense so directly moved and so limpid that everything of life which he describes seems defi ned by that sense, to issue from the natural gesture, from the exact attitude, in which one no longer sees stiffness. His impersonality resembles that of the trees bowing in the wind with a single movement and without resistance, or that of the water which wrinkles into equal circles all moving in the same direction. From afar, Egyptian art seems changeless …

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9.544 CLP eBook EPUB
The kiss
The kiss
Hans-Jürgen Döpp
Is a kiss the premise of the act or an act in itself? What role do the lips and the tongue play in the lovers’ encounter? What are its means and its uses throughout history and societies? Such are the questions and analyses that Professor Döpp tackles in this book with both talent and intelligence. Richly illustrated with pieces from the author’s illustrious collection, this work is a treat for the eyes and the mind.
4.990 CLP eBook EPUB
The Art of the Shoe
The Art of the Shoe
Marie-Josèphe Bossan

What is more common than a pair of shoes? In a world where shoes have become an object of mass consumption, these accessories are now rid of any significance. The industry has accomplished its duty: producing a large quantity at a low price. But there was a time when the shoe symbolised the strength of the Roman legion, the power of the Medieval lords or the oppression of the Chinese woman. Its history is both vast and enthralling, as revealed by the author Marie-Josèphe Bossan. Supporting her analysis with an outstanding iconography, the author gives these commonplace objects a universal …

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14.799 CLP eBook EPUB
Victoria Charles

A bridge is a link between two worlds, a point of tension between two separate and often disparate locations. Free, belonging neither to one region or another, the bridge imposes upon the landscape and defies nature. Its existence embodies the will of mankind to construct these necessary bonds between people and places. A symbol of progress and innovation, the bridge, anonymous demonstration of the mastery and the durability of new techniques, is gradually becoming more and more light and fluid, constantly defying stateoftheart technology. As veritable aesthetic creations, bridges appear today not only as examples of masterful engineering, but also …

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11.455 CLP eBook EPUB
Vincent van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh
Victoria Charles

Vincent van Gogh’s life and work are so intertwined that it is hardly possible to observe one without thinking of the other. Van Gogh has indeed become the incarnation of the suffering, misunderstood martyr of modern art, the emblem of the artist as an outsider. An article, published in 1890, gave details about van Gogh’s illness. The author of the article saw the painter as “a terrible and demented genius, often sublime, sometimes grotesque, always at the brink of the pathological.” Very little is known about Vincent’s childhood. At the age of eleven he had to leave “the human nest”, …

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14.320 CLP eBook EPUB
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

The “happy-few” aspect of the sadomasochistic relations, the fashions that have had a great impact on the population, make these practices seem somewhat commonplace. A number of magazines and films recount these sexual adventures with complete honesty. The enthusiasts are no longer exceptions. Beyond the stereotypes of women in leather boots with a whip in hand, they discover the pleasures of pain. It is a form of sexuality where pleasure looses its codification since procreation is no longer the goal. Travelling towards the limits of emotions is the theme explored by Professor Döpp, supporting his developments on an exceptional iconography.

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4.990 CLP eBook EPUB
Elisabeth Louise Vigée-Lebrun
Elisabeth Louise Vigée-Lebrun
W. H. Helm
Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun (1755-1842) was not only the rare woman of her time who integrated herself into the French Royal Academy of Painting, but also beloved portraitist to the aristocracy. Her paintings are testament to a key period of history: she was appointed painter and friend to Marie Antoinette before the French Revolution, and took flight across Europe before returning under the reign of Napoleon, all the while continuing to paint. Self-taught, Vigée-Lebrun knew how to get the best from her models, mastering painting effects to perfection and making use of a delicate and refined style.
14.320 CLP eBook EPUB
Claude Monet: Vol 1
Claude Monet: Vol 1
Nathalia Brodskaïa, Nina Kalitina, Nina Kalitina

With Impression, Sunrise, exhibited in 1874, Claude Monet (18401926) took part in thecreation of the Impressionist movement that introduced the 19th century to modern art. All his life, he captured natural movements around him and translated them into visual sensations. A complex man and an exceptional artist, Monet is internationally famous for his poetic paintings of waterlilies and beautiful landscapes. He leaves behind the most wellknown masterpieces that still fascinate art lovers all over the world. In this twovolume illustrated work, Natalia Brodskaya and Nina Kalitina invite us on a journey across time to discover the history of Impressionism and …

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