
Revolution in the skies
Revolution in the skies
Javier Gándara Martinez

More than 400 million passengers flew in Europein 2018 on board airlines labelled as low cost, representing around 36% of the total air traffic in the continent. And in some countries, such as Spain, this number exceeded 50%. This gives an idea of the popularity that this business model has achieved, which shoulda priori be accompanied by familiarity with the basic principles upon which it is based. However, despite the fact that almost one out of every two passengers uses this type of airline for their travel, the low cost business model is a great unknown, not only for the …

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19.220 CLP eBook EPUB
Suryavan Solar

This Book teaches the 8 steps to conquer Self-Leadership, the fundamental

basis of Leadership.

Before Leading others, running companies, governing nations, learn to be the

Leader of yourself and of your Own Life.

11.207 CLP eBook PDF
Practical Guide to Incoterms 2010
Practical Guide to Incoterms 2010
Olegario Llamazares García-Lomas

With this Guide you will know:

- What Incoterms 2010 are designed to do.

- How and when to use each Incoterm.

- The use of Incoterms with sale contracts, transport, insurance and letters of credit.

- Seller´s and Buyer´s obligations for each of 11 Incoterms.

- Graphics to better understand them.

- Examples of real export and import operations applied to Incoterms.

- Keys to the professional use of Incoterms.

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13.120 CLP eBook PDF
100 Business Innovation Concepts
100 Business Innovation Concepts
Paco Bree

The business innovation concepts and tools guide essential for the 21st century executive.

We are currently defining a new school of management. Some elements that would integrate this new school include innovation, intra/entrepreneurship, digital transformation, exponential technologies and humanism. The XXI century executive needs to incorporate new theories, methodologies, models and tools to complete those he or she already knows and uses from classical management.

This book synthesizes the complete history of classic management, provides the fundamental elements of business innovation and poses relevant challenges for 21st century professionals. The book includes the 100 business innovation concepts that any …

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5.900 CLP eBook EPUB
Generating Talent
Generating Talent
José Antonio Marina

Generating Talent: How to Put Intelligence to Work develops an innovative model that explains the generation of talent as intelligence acting in a way that is suitable, brilliant and efficient. It reveals how it is generated not only in individuals, but in organizations and societies as well.

«This is an optimistic book. Not optimistic with the slightly flaccid optimism of self-help books that promise us all that we can become instant millionaires, but optimistic because it describes how neuroscience shows our capacities to be even greater than previously thought.»
José Antonio Marina

Every year, countless studies are published which …

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6.900 CLP eBook EPUB
Emails to a young entrepreneur
Emails to a young entrepreneur
Pedro Nueno

Entrepreneurship continues to gain attention on a worldwide basis. It is the best way to renew society and to build a strong and diversified economy. Entrepreneurs follow a process: identify an opportunity, transform it into a business, stimulate it to grow. This is easier to say than to do it but, fortunately, over
the years a lot of knowlwedge has been created which facilitates the entrepreneurship process.
Entrepreneurial knowlegde includes unquestionable frameworks like the "business plan" but also builds on relevant frameworks from different business areas: valuing a company and measuring the creation of value, creating and motivating an appropiate team of …

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7.440 CLP eBook PDF
Jürgen Klarić

The latest book by Jürgen Klaric focuses on how to successfully sell products and services. The method and techniques presented in this book come from various lab studies. They are also endorsed by anthropological and neuroscientific research.In this book, the author proves that the sales processes we commonly use are extremely exhausting and not very effective, mainly because we don't know how the mind works, even if we listen to people. A bestseller shortly after its launching, MINDCODE has become a commercial and sales model of companies such as General Motors, Movistar, Claro, SAB-Miller and Ikea.

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7.735 CLP eBook EPUB
The Legacy of Arthur Andersen
The Legacy of Arthur Andersen
Carmelo Canales, Francisco López Martínez

Most people recognize that Arthur Andersen was a great Firm. For the authors,
it was perhaps the greatest. Its fulminating, unexpected and shameful
collapse, with the Enron case and ensuing disappearance from the market,
leaving a cloud of local professional firms, has left in the collective memory
a totally negative image, erasing any earlier merits as if they never existed.

Written by two former Arthur Andersen partners, this book recovers those
merits, the authentic "Andersen Culture", that did many well-done things for
many years, in many countries, with many satisfied clients. Vindicates to
bring back certain values and practices of the entrepreneurial model that made
of Arthur Andersen an …

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8.650 CLP eBook EPUB
The secret of being happy
The secret of being happy
Aldivan Teixeira Torres
"The secret of being happy" brings the main lines concerning fifty-four professions. In them, the reader will come across the pros and cons of each professional axis facilitating understanding through examples. More than a manual, he is a very useful professional identification guide especially for students, scholars in general or those who want to try to change their profile by looking for a new job market option. I wish everyone a good read! "
4.132 CLP eBook PDF
The Art of Cigar Band
The Art of Cigar Band
Philippe Mesmer

Cigar-bands have sdorned cigars for more than 150 years. Until World War I they were produced and printed to the hightest quality using the best methods available, with the result that many cigar-bands of the time are genuine works of art. Images depicted on the bands are varied, but specific themes may be distinguished – flowers and foliage, for example, or heraldic ‘charges’, or of course portraits of contemporary rulers and celebrities. This book features nearly 1,800 cigar-bands drawn from the collection of Roger van Reeth, including some of the most beautiful, some of the rarest and some of the …

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13.328 CLP eBook EPUB
We Are Blind
We Are Blind
Jürgen Klarić

The conference "We are blind" made Jürgen Klaric famous in 50 countries. The purpose of this book is to open your eyes to how the mind works and to understand why marketing and advertising fail so often. This book teaches you- how the human mind works and its curious decision-making behavior- the principle of the three brains: cortex (rational), limbic (emotional), reptilian (instinctive)- to identify the most serious mistakes big brands make- how to change the vision and culture of the company. In addition, it provides Jürgen Klaric's ten principles to understand the subconscious mind and to maximize sales and marketing: 1. …

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8.211 CLP eBook EPUB
Brands That Dream
Brands That Dream
Elisenda Serra Masip, Xavier Oliver Conti

IKEA, El Bulli, Apple, Bausch & Lomb, Coca-Cola... These are just a few of the brands that have “got it.” Every company that really stands out has this “certain something” in common. That being said, talking about something that does not have a name is tantamount to allowing that it may not exist. For this reason, the authors have named it; they call it a dream. Today, a company can only truly stand out if it has a dream – a shared dream with the capacity to touch us all. The potential of a dream has no limits, and any …

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8.650 CLP eBook EPUB
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