
Explora Grecia 1
Explora Grecia 1
Varios Autores

La mejor compañera de viaje para descubrir todos los rincones de la Grecia más paradisíaca.Arte e historia se aúnan en Grecia, cuna de la civilización occidental, en forma de bellos templos, monumentos y palacios. Navegar hasta calderas volcánicas y puertos, recorrer interminables islas en busca de las mejores playas y saborear deliciosas cocinas regionales, son algunas de las actividades que aguardan al viajero en este paraíso. Amantes de la playa y de la montaña disfrutarán a partes iguales, ya sea perdiéndose en las transparentes aguas azules de Antipaxos o recorriendo los olivares y viñedos de Cefalonia . Degustar la increíble …

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16.065 CLP eBook PDF
The Power of Rituals
The Power of Rituals
Tâmara Castelo

Have you ever thought how small gestures in your daily life can bring a big transformation to your life? Tâmara Castelo explains how. First of all, through a simple test, we will identify your biotype - associated with your metabolism and personality traits - in order to make a personalized plan, which includes the appropriate rituals to rebalance sleep, manage stress and anxiety, the foods that regulate and deregulate each biotype, and practical and delicious recipes. Practicing gratitude, drinking tea, yawning, lighting a candle, applying an essential oil to your pillow to help you sleep better, taking a bath to …

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6.545 CLP eBook EPUB
The SHA recipes to live longer and better
The SHA recipes to live longer and better

Food plays an essential role in our physical and mental health. This cookbook explains how integral nutrition is able to strengthen not only our vitality and well-being but also our body's cleansing and self-healing abilities and how it can help slow the aging process as well. This type of nutrition consists of eating grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts and seaweed with an emphasis on wholegrain, fresh, organic, balanced, local and seasonal products. This cookbook is a collection of delicious recipes to help you prepare starters, main courses, desserts, cocktails and juices, in addition to containing other recipes that are specifically …

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5.831 CLP eBook EPUB
La lucha por el poder
La lucha por el poder
Richard J. Evans

Este es un libro realmente extraordinario: la obra más original y madura de Richard J. Evans. Definirlo como una historia de Europa entre la caída de Napoleón y el estallido de la primera guerra mundial resulta insuficiente; porque lo que Evans nos ofrece es una apasionante interpretación de la formación del mundo moderno, a través de una serie de ventanas que no sólo se abren sobre un panorama de gobiernos, guerras y revoluciones, sino que nos describen el cambio de la sociedad (la emancipación de los siervos, la formación de la clase obrera…), la conquista de la naturaleza, la expresión …

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4.165 CLP eBook EPUB
The Prisoner
The Prisoner
Juan Gallardo, Rafael Avendaño

Paris, November 13, 2015. You love your wife so much that you decide to prove it to her by spending a romantic weekend in Paris together. After a magical day of museums, Bohemian neighborhoods and accordion music, you have dinner in an equally magical restaurant in where food is served in the dark. You decide that the perfect day will culminate in a rock concert by her favorite band in a famous Parisian venue, the Bataclan.     Days later, Paul Hébert, a French journalist covering a story in Iraq for an American newspaper, tells in first person the circumstances of …

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4.165 CLP eBook EPUB
My Boqueria
My Boqueria
Oscar Manresa
A walk around the most iconic stalls of la Boqueria market.«My Boqueria» is an account of the day-to-day life of the most immortalised market in Barcelona and the most famous in the world. Oscar Manresa tells the story of a place that is embedded in the collective subconscious of international gastronomy. It is not a book about cooking, nor is it a cookbook, but it could be both.
5.355 CLP eBook EPUB
La Unión Europea para Dummies
La Unión Europea para Dummies
Olaf Leisse
Conflictos bélicos, relaciones internacionales, globalización, terrorismo o migración son algunas de las cuestiones que se abordan en el seno de la UE y en las que chocan intereses nacionales, se negocian contradicciones aparentemente irreconciliables y se intenta llegar a una solución en la que todas las partes puedan estar en última instancia de acuerdo.  Este libro pretende arrojar algo de luz sobre esta institución y despertar el interés por ella, independientemente de si eres un entusiasta europeo o un euroescéptico.
5.355 CLP eBook EPUB
The new vignerons
The new vignerons
Luis Gutiérrez

A refreshing voice and a purist's detailed look at some of the most complicated and compelling wines in the world."I traveled over the course of almost two years with photographer Estanis Núñez, an old friend of mine, just like we used to in our rock'n'roll days, taking photos, eating and drinking together. This book contains 14 profiles of vignerons, each of them different, spanning most of the wine-producing regions of Spain. There are others, but this is my personal selection. Their profiles talk about the history, landscape, vineyards, cuisine, passion and tradition of their region. You won't find tannins, anthocyanins, …

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5.831 CLP eBook EPUB
José Luis Manzanares Japón

Science has failed to explain the deep nature of reality. While it surprises us every day with amazing new discoveries that make life more pleasant, it ignores the real basis of our existence.Its reductionist wager on materialism has never been able to specify the nature of the spirit or explain its decisive role in the great transformations the world undergoes. Why does the ambition of an enlightened person provoke a war that kills millions of lives or the word of a prophet radically change the future of a society? It has not even taken on the task of establishing a …

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5.831 CLP eBook EPUB
Un mundo contaminado
Un mundo contaminado
José Benegas

Hasta la proliferación de los populismos de derechas, los regímenes que corrompían las reglas democráticas para anular a la oposición y perpetuarse en el poder tenían fundamentalmente signo marxista. Pero el nuevo antiliberalismo nacionalista y ultraconservador, bajo la bandera de la «batalla cultural», le ha arrebatado al chavismo y al socialismo el monopolio del despotismo.El conocido ensayista José Benegas, curtido en la lucha contra los populismos latinoamericanos, desarrolla en este libro la tesis de que el tradicional eje izquierda/derecha ya no permite comprender el actual momento político. Ambos bandos comparten el gusto por los caudillos que destruyen las instituciones, y …

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10.591 CLP eBook EPUB
Fernando Torres. El Niño (Enriched Ebook)
Fernando Torres. El Niño (Enriched Ebook)
Fernando Torres, Jorge Crespo
Original humorous biography of Fernando Torres, written by himself and illustrated by the colchonero cartoonist par excellence, Jorge Crespo. On this book, El Niño's fans will find out anecdotes and little-known aspects of one of the most charismatic Spanish football players.
3.213 CLP eBook EPUB
Cooking with Joan Roca at low temperatures
Cooking with Joan Roca at low temperatures
Joan Roca

The new cooking trend in domestic cuisine has arrived, endorsed by the best chef in the world.This book will show what we have learnt in the kitchen at El Celler de Can Roca, and also in our respective homes, as low-temperature cooking is a traditional technique that today, thanks to modern technology, helps us to increase the precision with which we cook.However, ultimately, cooking is all about enjoying the many bounties of gastronomy: that capacity to delight us, to look after our health, to communicate emotions, and to transmit knowledge, values and affection. By cooking we can discover our culture …

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