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The Eternity of Being a Global Explorer
The Eternity of Being a Global Explorer
Danny Teller

We present four intriguing and inspiring stories from around the globe. Florida, November 2008; South Africa, May 2009; Europe, August 2009 and China, October 2009. Metaphysically and philosophically speaking all the places offered a great deal in not just the quality of life but most importantly to highlight the educational, architectural and geographical reasons for being in the limelight. Florida was just about blending money and materials into one for the purpose of finding eternal happiness. Cape Town projected a different prospective of a young and prosperous new nation. Greece and Croatia projected a lively and challenging outlook of Eastern …

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Inner Traveling
Inner Traveling
Sandra Stevens

Inner Traveling, Sandra J. Stevens’ third book in the field of metaphysical thought, develops the concepts that are the basis for "Mind-Spirit Therapy." She uses examples from actual cases to support her theories and methods. The politics of our inner reality are dramatically illustrated throughout the book. The complicated relationship between our earthbound personalities and our unbound souls is explored in great detail, offering a unique glimpse into our own potential. Our ability to move out of time and space to explore a greater reality that is dynamic and fluid provides the opportunity to effect healing on deep levels of …

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Bruce Blackhurst
A country boy goes into the forests, farms and streams of the rural Midwest. This book is a moving account of his life's lessons.
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Mr. Bert Winn
Sandy is a charismatic five-year-old little girl whose best friend, Arp, just happens to be imaginary. Together, she and Arp spend their day blowing bubbles and chasing butterflies. Take this trip with Sandy and Arp, and start to see the world through the eyes of these two young children as they begin to discover and understand the world around them.
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Hugh Bowen

Dr. Van Bentham, forensic psychologist, gives expert testimony in an asphyxiation death case in California. The man had ?scarfed? himself in seeking an erotic high; or so it first appears. Frank Waters congratulates himself at having pulled it off, letting the victim kill himself, as he sees it, and to have won $7,000 from him. He motorcycles to Eugene, Oregon and there finds his true love, Sally. But Sally dies when a truck runs them down on his motorcycle. Frank survives, only losing a little finger, but is traumatized and taken up with thoughts of death. He interests a retired …

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Peaches the Private Eye Poodle:
Peaches the Private Eye Poodle:
Patricia D. Hamilton

Peaches is a family pet poodle who has great powers to find things when no one else can. In Finding Dipsey Doodle, Peaches is asked by Baby Squirrel to help find Dipsey. She seems to be lost and no one can locate her. Since Peaches believes it’s important to help friends whenever possible, she puts on her 'private-eye hat' and looks everywhere for Dipsey. She even gets her mommy to take her out in the snow. She asks Mr. Rooster, Mrs. Pig, and Mr. Horse if they’ve seen Dipsey Doodle. At last, Peaches finds Dipsey safe and sound in a …

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Adelaide the Unicorn and the Children of the World
Adelaide the Unicorn and the Children of the World
Colette Becuzzi

When Adelaide the Unicorn leaves her home in the heavenly clouds to visit Earth, she lands on the great plains of the Himalayas. Though enchanted by all the animals and spirits she encounters, Adelaide finds it hard to make new friends. As she travels across the globe, Adelaide?s experiences lead to many questions. Where does she fit in? Should she return to heaven? Is ?home? somewhere else out in the world, or is it inside Adelaide?s heart? The first in a series of thirteen adventures, Adelaide the Unicorn and the Children of the World: Once Upon a Time, There was …

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The Exodus
The Exodus
Leonard J. Warrick

The Exodus: A Collection of Poetry is a unique and special look into the soul of author Leonard J. Warrick. His poems were written in the winter of 2004-2005, when the author was 38 years old, and encompass the social, economical and spiritual epitaphs of that time. It takes place in wake of the presidential election in November 2004, when there was a strong mood of pessimism overriding the spirit of Black America. His poems 'A Forgotten People' and 'An Election Day Aftermath' reveal hidden truths the media never reported. The transcending quality in the evolution of American history and …

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The Arts of Truth
The Arts of Truth
Rud Istvan

This book is a primer on critical thinking. Without it, the Internet is only a misinformation highway. The dark arts of untruthfulness are ubiquitous in ‘official’ information. The general techniques used to distort or misrepresent truth are conceptually explored, illustrated by dozens of examples covering a wide range of subjects. Does classroom size reduction improve education? Can tight oil shale provide US petroleum independence? Are eggs unhealthy? Does the Chevy Volt really get 60mpg-e? Is global warming a hoax or a crisis? The many thought provoking examples are entertaining as well as enlightening.

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Poems for the Young
Poems for the Young
Francis Emson Dakwa
Poems for the Young is an anthology of fifty poems that are dedicated to children as young as babies to age twelve. Let your spirit soar right along with the expressive children in this book. The lovely prose by Francis Emson Dakwa shows how young children express themselves as they share their joys, expectations and sorrows. The poems are thematically displayed and present vivid interactions of the children and of the community around them. You don’t have to be a child to enjoy Poems for the Young. You only have to be young at heart to find joy in this very special book.
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Zero Time
Zero Time
M.P. Swinnerton
A construction worker is injured and goes into a coma, where he dreams he is a ruler of a world with gigantic insects & dinosaurs.
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I Am A Person, I Am Me
I Am A Person, I Am Me
Leonie Arnold
Helping children learn how to express and improve themselves by teaching them a good sense of self esteem.
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