
The Way I see It
The Way I see It
Henry A. Field

This book is meant to challenge. It is often controversial, even something of a whistleblower and, being radical, doesn’t settle for the status quo as author Henry Field speaks against the terrible times we live in. It is about dealing with life and death, and all that means in joy and heartache. Consider the realities of such with both the physical and spiritual supernatural sides of life, something of how they interact between good versus evil, right and wrong, and the intense and desperate warfare we are locked into here on Planet Earth, as well as the Divine judgment we …

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Who Wants to be British
Who Wants to be British
J. S. Raynor

Following on from the turbulent events described in A Chronicle of Intimacies, John Raynor's luck seemed, at last, to be turning in his favour. In January, 1993, he flew from Manchester to the Philippines to meet Aleth Ledres, a Filipina 23 years younger than him. The two had been writing for several months, and within a short space of time, they fell in love and their marriage was planned for April. Unfortunately, nothing was ever simple for John and Aleth, as many problems prevented them from enjoying a life together in the U.K. Cultural differences, the Catholic Church, and British …

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Eli's Secret
Eli's Secret
D.M. Lewis

This story takes place between 1901 and 1921. It is set in a quiet village in the Welsh Marches where two old men, The Reverend ApIvor and Old Eli, disagree over a moral issue that ends their long friendship. Each does so willingly to conceal the young people in their keeping and protect them and their secrets. But their well-intentioned actions have serious repercussions for the future. Years later, upon the death of Old Eli, a young woman, Lily, discovers her true identity and is suddenly thrust into a world of prejudice, anger, and revenge for the past. At odds …

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Diary Of A Barking Mad Dog Owner
Diary Of A Barking Mad Dog Owner
Jackie McGuinness

Due to his obsession with hedgehogs, Mr Mac takes walks in the garden first thing in the morning before the sun is quite up and as soon as it is dusk, when hedgehogs are likely to be around searching for food. Thus, you can imagine how mad I was when I arrived home from work on Friday, drove toward my gate and saw this half flat, brown, spiky lump in the middle of the road. "Arrrgggghhhh!" I shouted at it, "You stupid, stupid hedgehog!" I parked my car in the drive and stomped back up the road. I was still …

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A Chronicle of Intimacies
A Chronicle of Intimacies
J. S. Raynor

The year was 1991 and John Raynor’s life was in a mess. At 46, two years after separating from his wife, he is living on his own and the future seems bleak. Then he meets Carol, a divorcee two years younger than him. Suddenly, everything changes. Their bond was immediate and intense. The problem is that one day Carol would need John, both physically and emotionally, while the next, she would be secretive, cool, and distant.This is the true account of a s16-month relationship that turned John’s life upside down, with the added complexity of him being registered blind. During …

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Nine Lives A Journey through Life
Nine Lives A Journey through Life
Dan Fox

A deep and powerful love story, beautiful and emotional in the way it is written, Nine Lives is an exciting romantic adventure novel, taking us across exotic locations, while also raising a variety of thought-provoking issues along the way. The story follows Dan Roberts in this journey, following his experiences of first love; grief; despair; facing his past; faith; and experiences from his wonderful journey of life. The title, Nine Lives, derives from Dan’s feeling, shared by many of us, of how our lives can sometimes appear almost as if they are made up of different chapters, as if some …

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A Tenants Tale
A Tenants Tale
Terence Casey
The Tenant's Tale is a fascinating chronicle of life in rural Ireland during the 19th century. This narrative spans virtually the whole of the 19th century, a period that has been the most traumatic in Ireland's long and troubled history.
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Almost a Boffin
Almost a Boffin
E. E. Vielle

Tubby Vielle briefly mentions his schooldays, falling in love with his future wife when he was 15 years old and the effect the Great Depression and fear of starvation in 1931 had on his future. He describes his flying training at the RAF College, Cranwell, his experience as a fighter pilot at Biggin Hill in 1934, and his two years as a pilot in the Fleet Air Arm at the time of the Abyssinian war. He explains his several narrow escapes from being killed, due to his amazingly good luck which was repeated many times during his career. He details …

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The Gaudi Facade
The Gaudi Facade
J. S. Raynor

Adam Sheldrake, a young British architect, travels to Barcelona for what should be a fairly ordinary holiday. By chance, he meets a beautiful, talented, 27- year-old Italian artist, Caterina Fonteras at the Olympic Stadium, and from this point, the holiday turns into a life-changing experience for both of them. With a common interest in Antoni Gaudi, the famous Spanish architect, they visit the Sagrada Família and are drawn into a world of violent fanaticism, resulting in their capture and imprisonment. This romantic thriller, set in the year 2012 leads the reader into many twists and turns, a major threat to …

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The Analyst
The Analyst
Brandon Rolfe
Set in Victorian London, The Analyst follows a trail of intrigue in a realistic period setting reflecting a scientific society that still has a dark underside of squalid desolation. It tells of the grim struggle of a man's sanity slipping away, gradually deteriorating to the point of him eventually going over the edge with horrendous consequences. The novel is directed at the psychological conscience-probing mystery section of the fiction market, the main character's mental conflict, with its hauntingly mind-searching flashbacks putting it into the Freudian/Hyde bracket.
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Countdown to Doomsday
Countdown to Doomsday
Brandon Rolfe

The UK's entire security network is mounted in an ultimate Red Alert deadline operation to avert cataclysmic disaster on a national scale. Islamic terrorism is poised to deliver its fiercest blow. The wrath of Allah is about to be let loose upon infidel Christians will be presented in divine retribution for the mass slaughter of Muslims by demonic Western imperialists. Thsi is meant to be an almighty and truly divine purging of the infidel worshippers so they will be righteously smote down and cast into deep damnation to join their devil. Zealous militants, the Jahidi, are sent forth on a …

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Journey to Meet Beethoven
Journey to Meet Beethoven
Pat Champness

This is a book to help you learn to play the piano. It is not a "Learn the Piano in Ten Easy Lessons" tutor - plenty of those exist - but an adventure introducing you to the world of music that will stir your imagination. Beginning with simple pieces, as you are fed with more knowledge the compositions become more advanced. They are all by composers whose works range from a 14th-century Venetian dance to a 20th-century South American tango. Your journey takes you through 68 pieces, with their historical and geographical backgrounds, the last being the much-loved first movement …

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