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Medea (Los mejores clásicos)
Medea (Los mejores clásicos)

La más importante de las obras de Eurípides y uno de los trabajos que mejor representan su concepción de lo trágico.

Traducción de Ramón Irigoyen

Epílogo de Jordi Balló y Xavier Pérez, profesores en la Universidad Pompeu Fabra

Jasón no solo regresó de la Cólquide con el vellocino de oro, sino que también sedujo a la hija del rey Eetes, Medea. A su vuelta a Yolco, hallan un escenario de traición familiar del que huyen dejando un rastro carmesí. Cuando recalen en Corinto, Medea desplegará una pavorosa venganza contra Jasón al descubrir que pretende a …

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4.501 CLP eBook EPUB
The Marquis' Book of Pleasure
The Marquis' Book of Pleasure
Lizbeth Dusseau

Shipwrecked on Marquis Island, three couples are drawn to an aging estate house. Its caretaker tells them the bizarre sexual history of the island, then presents them with The Marquis' Book of Pleasure, an unusual volume of erotica that lures the three women into submission, and their husbands toward crude & dominant desires. The trio of women soon find themselves dressed in S&M fetish attire and submitting to the rigorous slave training the book outlines. They agreed to acts of profound bondage and submission, and then become the centerpiece at a remarkable ball, where former inhabitants of the island return …

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2.750 CLP eBook EPUB
Elashow 1. Un concurs a TikTok
Elashow 1. Un concurs a TikTok
Elaia Martínez
Elashow, la youtuber que triomfa a les xarxes socials, per fi en català.Les noies del Club de l'Ela tenen un somni a l'abast de la mà: ballar amb el guapíssim cantant Jey T! Per això hauran de preparar un tiktok espectacular i guanyar el concurs de ball de l'escola. Aconseguiran pujar a l'escenari d'en Jey T o bé s'hauran de conformar amb veure'l des del públic?
4.165 CLP eBook EPUB Fixed Format
L'home de la maleta
L'home de la maleta
Diversos Autors, Ramon Solsona

Un antic músic d'orquestres de ball decideix, un bon dia, fer la maleta i viure un mes a casa de cada una de les seves tres filles. L'home sempre ha anat a la seva i, ara, les filles el sorprenen amb una vida i un models de família que no entén. El món va molt de pressa. Descol·locat però gat vell, mira al seu voltant amb una mirada càustica i explica el que veu en un relat divertit i sense complexos, tal com raja. L'home de la maleta n'ha vist de tots colors i se sent un supervivent, un individualista …

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2.975 CLP eBook EPUB
Confidence: Reliance on the Spirit
Confidence: Reliance on the Spirit
Peggy L. Headlund

The Second Edition of Confidence: Reliance on the Spirit, The Innocence and Resilience of Youth is a gripping story of the irrepressible Lilia Faith Christian, which will thrill tweens and teens alike. “What are you trying to do Jimmy, kill me?” thirteen-year-old Lilia screeched at the top of her lungs when sixteen-year-old Jimmy pitched the softball directly at her head. She heard the whirring of air around the ball as it picked up velocity, and leaned backwards to avoid it as the ball flew past within an inch of her nose. “This is supposed to be for fun, not for …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Scandal For Sale
Scandal For Sale
Lizbeth Dusseau

The diaries of former sex slave S. R. Lourdes sit on the desk of publisher Elliot Rawlings... scandalous truth about the city's sexual S&M underground... detailed expose about her former owners a Federal Judge, a prominent TV news anchor and a famous novelist. Her journey into submission is richly chronicled from her first, tentative consensual steps to the coercive efforts of cunning owners who keep her pierced, chained, caged, humiliated and certain that she will never know the love she seeks through her submissive nature. Yet, when she finally has the courage to rebel and take back her freedom, will …

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6.000 CLP eBook EPUB
In Hiding
In Hiding
Barbara Cartland

All eyes are on Lady Tamina Braithwaite as she dazzles the cream of London society at a masked ball. Dressed as a bird of paradise, even the sumptuous silks of her costume cannot detract from the glow that love has given her. In love for the first time with a handsome young politician, it would appear that they are a couple destined for great things. But is she the only one who is pretending to be something other than she is? Underneath Tamina’s frothy exterior there is an intelligent young woman who values truth and loyalty above all else. A …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Antígona (Los mejores clásicos)
Antígona (Los mejores clásicos)

La gran tragedia clásica sobre el choque entre la ley sagrada y la ley humana

Introducción y traducción de Luis Gil, profesor emérito de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Epílogo de Jordi Balló y Xavier Pérez, profesores de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra

Antígona está basada en el mito de la mujer que se atrevió a enfrentarse a los hombres para lograr sus propósitos. En esencia, la trama de la obra plantea una reflexión sobre la tiranía, las razones del estado y los dilemas de conciencia. Representada por primera vez en el año 442 a.C., Sófocles …

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2.500 CLP eBook EPUB
Diari d'una penjada 7. Una estrella POC glamurosa
Diari d'una penjada 7. Una estrella POC glamurosa
Rachel Renée Russell

El nou llibre que totes les Penjades estaven esperant!Fa dies que tothom em pregunta per mi i pel Brandon, i ara, PER FI, puc escriure-ho tot sobre el que va passar -o no!- amb el nostre primer petó! Però KFT! Us haig de confessar que vaig UN PÈL estressada! Un equip de televisió ens segueix a mi, els meus amics i la meva família a tot arreu on anem perquè sóc la protagonista d'un programa de tele! A més, m'he de preparar per a una gravació i faig classes de ball i... no oblideu la Brianna, la meva germaneta estimada …

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9.401 CLP eBook EPUB Fixed Format
Joc brut
Joc brut
Manuel de Pedrolo

.Joc brut (es va publicar per primera vegada el 1965) és una novel·la composta de quatre capítols, titulats «El projecte», «Els fets», «La recerca» i «Les explicacions»; és en aquest darrer on el lector pot completar el veritable sentit de l'obra. En Xavier i la Juna, dos protagonistes de personalitats molt diferents, es troben atrapats en un joc d'amor i d'interessos.Estudi introductori amb propostes de treball i comentaris de text a cura de Carme Ballús, escriptora i professora de llengua catalana a l'IES A. Cumella de Granollers.

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9.401 CLP eBook EPUB
James and the Jealous, Naughty Seagull
James and the Jealous, Naughty Seagull
Lynne Pickering

James is a little bear in a family of five. In James and the Jealous, Naughty Seagull, he saves a seagull with a broken wing and it now lives with him. James wants to play ball, but the seagull is far too small, so James’s father buys him a puppy called Jim. Jim has a kind nature, but he is getting most of James’s attention now and the seagull becomes jealous. She tries all types of tricks to get Jim in big trouble. One day a neighbor’s cat is sizing the seagull up for a tasty meal, when Jim comes …

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9.196 CLP eBook EPUB
An Angel Runs Away
An Angel Runs Away
Barbara Cartland

The handsome and debonair Marquis of Raventhorpe is known throughout the Beau Monde as something of a ladies’ man, until he falls under the spell of society beauty Lady Sarah Chessington. When he arrives at the Earl of Chessington-Crewe’s house to propose, he realises that Lady Sarah wants him only for his wealth and position, so he leaves in a fury, vowing he will never marry. By the wayside, he encounters and exquisite beauty, different from any woman he has ever met. In fact, she looks like an angel who has just fallen from heaven by mistake. She is the …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
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